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Sep 07, 2006 16:29

The Random Question Meme!

An array of completely random questions about my friends!
Would you sooner donate a kidney to destroythedance or xkimikinsx?I can't donate my kidneys. So that answers that.What would bloodymuse like to do for a living?Make my life more annoying. Why would sincere_smile go to heaven but bitchymelodies go to hell?She's got a potty mouth? I wouldn't worry about it. Heaven for climate, but hell is for conversation.Where did flash_four leave the remote?Well, seeing as he did spawn Naruto... probably in the shower or the freezer.How many people has meatbunsofdeath seduced?I'm not sure. What's up with kazehanakoyuki?I don't know. What -is- up with her?Would momochipants be better described as a hero or a villain?Anti-hero.Did mindfk leave the stove on again?Doubtful. I think he might have died, though.When was the last time you talked to mr_irukachan?A month or so ago, briefly, on the roof. I caught some papers for him.What do you think of cloudsofhatred's family?Sasuke seems like a nice enough young man.
This is by heptadecagram. You can find your own completely random questions here.

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