My holiday "break"

Dec 07, 2011 16:57

God, I cannot wait until next Saturday! No more school, cut back on work, my son will be out of school the following week. I have SO much to catch up on.

- Sleep
- Finish the Prequel posts
- Write apologies to Sue, the Twins, Sam's mom, and anyone else I'm not thinking of at the moment (memory loss is a sad thing)
- Organize my room for the umpteen millionth time this year. (Seriously, maybe I should rent it out to the government as a storage facility for all those top secret files)
- ACTUALLY go to the gym @ school
- Catch up with long-lost relatives
- Decorate my mask for the January masquerade/mask competition
- Type up my collection of recipes
- Burn the rest of my CD collection
- Finish various art projects started for Burning Man, which I didn't get to attend, but will someday
- Finish reading:
  - The Prophet
  - The Hobbit
  - A Wrinkle in Time
- Keep Econ lessons fresh in my mind
- Watch: the 200+ tv shows/films on my instant queue
- Make hobby horses for the boys for Christmas
- Sell hella knives
- Finish & upload LJ mood theme

OK, yeah, a bit ambitious. I know I won't get it all done. But maybe if I start blocking out times now, I can get a few things crossed off. :)

[Edited to add "trip to Bob's Red Mill and Dave's Killer Bread" to the list]

oh no not things!

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