What is the Free Harry! campaign all about? In the year 2000, the publishing industry pressured The New York Times to develop a separate Best-Seller List for children's books. It was created specifically to allow them to banish the Harry Potter books, which had been monopolizing top spots for 100 weeks, from the Best-Seller List. Now, one of the authors from The Plot Thickens..., Mary Ailes, is putting out a Call to Action and telling the world that JK Rowling's Harry Potter novels are multifaceted literature and shouldn't be labeled as "just a children's book."
Ailes invites all Harry Potter fans to voice their opinions and convince The New York Times that the Harry Potter books are much more than just a "children’s book." Free Harry from the children's list! Sign the petition below. We have only a couple short months to do something about this injustice before Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is imprisoned along with its predecessors in the children’s listing. Show your outrage... voice your opinion. By signing this petition, you are saying that Harry Potter deserves to be recognized as literature for ALL ages!(I coppied this word for word from the website below Ijust thought you would want to know what it was Im not trying to pass it off as my own thing so visit the site XOXOX)