Application go!

Oct 02, 2010 23:25

Player Information:
Name: Laura
Journal: perytonlover 
Method of Contact: AIM (weird sarcastic), MSN/Yahoo (
Previous characters: None!

Character Information:
Full Name: Just Karin. Last names are a bit hard to conceptualize for them still.
Series: Original Character
Canon point: --
Age: 14 in Octopus years, about 8 in human years.
Species: Tropus (One of several different alien octopus species)
Appearance/PB: Hi.
Appearance upon arrival: Karin was getting ready to suit up to talk to humans for the first time, when she saw the box. Obviously, with her curiosity, plus the effect of the music box, she opened it right away. She still doesn't realize she CAN'T go back home just yet, and is excited about all the people around here, and all the other "aliens" and "creatures", asking everything questions. Yes, even the things that can't speak.

Previous RP memories: None, this is her first RP.
Bringing someone along?: As much as she would want to, no.
Character History: She is part of a race of moluscs, which consists of several species, who discovered space travel sometimes before humans, enough to already start messing things around (though, with no malice intended.) They have just met the human race after a race they uplifted, the Nightfoxes (though they refer to themselves as Hiftins) discovered and made contact with humans.

The races is strange in that most of the astronauts are teenagers and young adults; children stay on the home planet with their parents, and older adults tend to quickly retire so they can go back to their home planet and start a family. While the males tend to die some time after mating, the females instead come together in large nooks, usually ones where they themselves were raised, and the females raise their young together, gathering food for each other, babysitting for each other, and guarding the next from predators and invaders who may want to take the nest for themselves. The children are raised up until teenage age, where they are allowed to choose the rest of their life for themselves. There is a lot of glamor and glory to going out to space and exploring the universe, so most choose to do that, though, some who don't feel ready to do that may stay around the next and help with raising kids, usually via guard duty.

There are several species in the race, but Karin is the tropical race or, Tropus, as humans call them. They don't store a lot of fat in their bodies, using most of the space for muscle and organs. They're probably the smallest race, never growing larger than a teen human. They're diurnal like most of the other species, and are rare in that they can see in some colors (though, not in a large range). They live in coral reefs, gathering together large tunnels inside large colonies of coral. Since food is usually plentiful, most laying areas are rated for how well they defend against predators. Due to the rich life, they can afford to be picky, and won't eat anything with a backbone, with snails being their favorite.

All of the race is very social and curious, which is how they've gotten this far, although they're still a little naive about space, underestimating how dangerous the life can be, and how they can affect it.

She is the eternally optimistic individual, always looking on the bright side. Any childish inclination killed off in others doesn't seem to have been affected at all in her; she's curious, playful, inquisitive, and excited about everything. And while a lot of these sort of characters seem to have some sort of hidden side to her, she... does not. Not really. She's simply been pampered, and the closest thing to trauma for her is the things she has heard about what has happened with other people.

She's also very sociable, wanting friends, and lots of them. She actually becomes very depressed if left alone, hating to have no one to even just hang around with. Although all of her race is tactile, she's much more than most, and wanting to touch everything, even if it doesn't want to be touch, and that has already gotten her into trouble before. She especially loves furry things, since she's never touched anything furry before.

She's pretty helpless in a dangerous situation, even though their family isn't always very peaceful themselves; it's just the way she is, always a pacifist. She'll at least try to make friends with anyone, even if you just tried to kill her a few moments before. She's just very quick to forgive and forget, and it won't be surprising if that gets her into trouble someday.

Character Abilities: Obviously, being an octopus-like alien, she can breathe underwater. Also, due to octopusy nature, she can fit into any opening as long as it's a bit bigger than her beak. Being as large as she is, and thus her beak being somewhat large, about the size of a pill bottle, this somewhat limits things, but is pretty useful... if she can get out of her walker. She can also change colors, which is very useful when it comes to communication, or hiding.
Possessions: She has a "walker", though you could call it more of a "roller, since it's on wheels. It's pretty large to fit a medium-sized Tropus teen, though an adult would be pretty cramped in there, and any other races besides children would have it rough. The wheels are pretty large to support the weight, more like car tires than bicycle wheels. In order to move around, she leans where she wants to go, and stays still to keep the machine still; they're still working on breaks, though she's experimenting with moving the camera away from her. The top is open so that they can touch who they're talking with, and the container for them is clear, so they can change color to communicate better with others. It also has a "speaker" that is connected to their body, located underneath to speak verbally, though some words with no human equivalent will come out as screeches.
No lasers included.
Anything else: They've recently learned to better communicate with humans using very simplified faces, with :) and :( when it comes to communicating how they're feeling. Also, when she speaks currently, it is somewhat of a robotic voice, since they had to learn how to make the voice themselves.

Action/Communication thread/post sample: Are... are the people here mad at me? They won't talk to me! I'm asking them questions, and trying to figure things out, and they won't say a word to me! Did I do something wrong? Did I insult them somehow? Help me please! I don't know anything about this culture!

Log/Prose sample: Karin stared at the light near her sleeping area. Not directly at the light, but on the little stick it was on. It was just a few sealights in there to light up the outside of her den just enough for her to sleep, but it still felt a little odd. It wasn't like normal light. It was different. It was hard for her to explain to the others, since they couldn't see what she could, but it didn't look right; it wasn't the right colors.

Still, she clacked her beak a bit, and closed the bit of cloth that covered her little den. A bit of a security blanket from when her mother would cover her up to keep her safe while she slept at night. Some things never change.

But, it was hard to sleep with the excitement of tomorrow. She had heard a lot about them, but tomorrow would be the day; they would meet humans. Real humans! Not ones in stories, but one you can talk to and learn about and ask questions to and build a connection between! You can put your suckers on them, and all their sweat, hormones, hairs, skin, everything on them... she'd be able to sense them all all for herself. She thought about how to explain it, since humans didn't have the same sort of sense... it was sort of a mixture of taste and touch, with one more thing she couldn't really describe... nothing like sight or sound, but...

Well, it'd be for tomorrow. She'd better sleep on it, she decided. And with that, she was gone.

application, info, ooc

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