Jul 01, 2006 15:57
So, here I am! I took Amtrak in yesterday, with all of my bags (they seriously weighed more than I did - luckily, Daniel helped me get to the train station). I fell asleep pretty soon after getting on the train - and woke up about an hour later to find two sailors sitting across from me. Literally. They were like 24, in the Navy, and one of them was wearing his whites (I had a total On The Town flash). They were really sweet and we chatted all the way to Penn station. I felt that this boded well for the entire trip.
Then I managed to get my bags into a cab, and then to my apartment (407 W. 50th street). My room is REALLY small. Like REALLY small. But it's ok - there's room for my keyboard, there's room for me to sleep, that's all I need this summer. After all, why would I want to sit in my apartment when Manhattan is just outside my door?
So after I unpacked, I met up with Mary Ann, and we went to Duplex with the usual crowd. It was really nice. There are some new people there (that's right, Brandon is gone), but they were great. The new piano player, Brian, is basically everything that I want in a man - he's cute in a hip nerdy way, plays the piano, sings well - but of course, he's gay. I sang Holding to the Ground from Falsettos, and felt good about it. I messed up a couple of rhythms, because I haven't mastered the song yet, but generally it sounded good. Of course we stayed until the show was done, and then the M.C., Marty, came and sat and talked with us. He's been in the ensemble of Wicked for the last two and a half years, and he sings in cabarets and on cruises. He says he performs on like one cruise a month, and goes to Cancun about six times a year. He's working constantly. I was just looking at him and thinking, I want to be like you. I mean, not necessarily singing in cabarets and stuff, but I want to be as busy and hard-working as he is. He's all about confidence and self-promotion. I need more of that.
Now I'm sitting in a Starbucks, using the wireless internet, because my apartment doesn't have the internet. So I won't be online nearly as much as I have been. If you need to contact me, call. I'll be living on my cell phone.
Classes start on Monday. I can't wait.