(no subject)

Feb 11, 2005 21:20

McCoy liked these quiet hours, when there was no one attempting to die on his watch, and the ship wasn't being shaken apart by God knows what alien who woke up on the wrong side of the bed that day. He is in his office, working his way steadily through a pile of datacards that had accumulated during the last crisis, and is actually making decent headway. He had sent Nurse Chapel off to the science labs to work on one of the many little research projects he had going on the side, hoping that they weren't utterly ruined from neglect.
Then the comlink on his desk beeped.
"McCoy here." the good doctor spoke to the air as he depressed the blinking button.
"Bones, why don't you join us on the bridge? There's something up here I want you to see." McCoy smiles at the eager tone in his captain's voice.
"I'll be right there Jim. McCoy out." The comlink snaps off, and he drops the datacard he is currently working on, letting it rest for now. Who is he to disobey a direct order from his captain? This has absolutely nothing to do with the desire he's been feeling for the last hour to prowl around a bit rather than continue sorting through obnoxious paperwork.
Smiling, he strolls through the doorway out of the medbay as the hydrolic doors hiss open.
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