01 - [Action]

Jan 04, 2011 04:23

[ Today has been One Of Those Days for Smellerbee. As it likely has been for anybody just lucky enough to wake up in the snow, in a flimsy white dress, missing their weapons and with a pair of wings. She has no real interest in looking through the book left sitting with her; it's not like it's going to be good for anything but kindling when all's said and done.

Heading into town without any of the things that have been hers for years makes her feel decidedly too vulnerable for her own liking. And this is hardly the time for being vulnerable in any way-- but it's the also only place she's got to head to, and where she's most likely to run into Longshot, if he's around.

...Smellerbee digs around in the snow until she finds a rock that's passably sharp, and keeps it in her non-journal-bearing hand anyway. Just in case. Who in their right mind trusts anything about a place like this, after all?

Long story made short, there is a confused and suspicious New Feather slowly making her way through the village, looking for the only familiar face she really gives two shakes about these days. She's trying to avoid open spaces, but there are only so many places you can get to when you're avoiding walking on snow at the same time. ]

anyone seen longshot?, so pissed off right now, not cool bro, run it's a girl with a rock, good thing she's resilient, #action, doesn't do dresses

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