So the question is

Jul 09, 2008 08:58

am I evil for my fairly snarky (but written with an intense point) response?

I figured out why I just had to respond.
I spent all day yesterday dealing with this and trying to decide if I just wanted to respond because I was angry, why was I angry, and most importantly- whats the game plan, cuz the current one isnt working.

HEres what I've come up with.

I took Ferd route of "leave it alone"
Its done nothing- they are pulling their shit, Clio at the forefront of it all.  Laying low has done nothing but leave me in a position where people are asking questions.

So, now Im going to go my route.
My point is simply this:  If you cant talk to me face to face when you have a concern, perhaps you have to think about what your concern is, its relevance and its total value in the big picture.  Also, its funny, but people have a much harder time making an accusation (especially when the accuasation is meant to do harm, not fix a problem) when they have to make it to a real live human being.

So then I started thinking about "ferds way vs. sams way"
and I realized something
I think there is a lesson for me here.  I mean, it keeps coming back up, and I keep having to deal with it-- so I wonder,

am I enabling them further and making more problems for myself because I chose to "lay down" by Ferds request?  I mean seriously-- its easier for him to get me to not respond, I am the more reasonable person in this picture.  And then of course, he doesnt have to deal with this problem if I just  lay low, because they figure they're getting their way, and then they continue on their pathway.

If I choose to respond and make some points- even if they fly over their heads-- I am causing some chaos for sure...probably some minor explosions, and they're going to fall into Ferds lap because he has allowed them to stop dealing with me, to circumvent me, and go to him.... but you know what? I suddenly realized that I shouldnt even be THINKING about that!  ITs not my problem- thats a problem that Ferd has created for himself.  Its not my job to protect him in that way-

There is a passage somewhere or other in the gospel of Luke I believe about how christ came to the world with full knowledge that he would cause division, and conflict but that for some, the only way to get the point across would be to do just that.  Some of us respond to gentleness and humbleness, some of us need to be slapped upside the head.  
   So I think, perhaps, this is one of those times that I need to stop trying to be the martyr, and stop trying to lay low and protect the priest and not be the trouble maker-
I think this is the crowd that I just need to stand my ground with and argue if that is what needs to happen.

I sure as shit feel a hell of a lot better having said SOMETHING-
the last year has been hell.
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