In Time: Fixing Things

Jan 18, 2011 22:17

Title: Fixing Things
Summary: Procedures, plums, and explanations.
Timeframe: AU, Any
Characters/Pairing: Established Sam/Jack and Daniel/Janet
Genre: Fluff, Family, Humor
Rating: T

Fixing Things

There’s snow on the ground, but it’s not snowing now, and the weather isn’t even that bad, so Sam can’t justify spending all day on the couch with Jack even if that’s all she really wants to do. It’s a very big day for Jack, but she’s sure he wants to ignore that fact for as long as he can.

Sam sighs and reaches for the arm slung around her shoulder to check the time on Jack’s watch. She knows they’ll have to get up and get ready to go to the Academy Hospital soon. Jack’s scheduled to go in for a vasectomy at four this afternoon, and they still have to drop Shane, Luke, and Hannah off at Daniel and Janet’s on the way to the hospital after the boys get home from school.

After Hannah’s difficult birth six months ago, Janet had warned them that if Sam was to ever get pregnant again, it would be potentially dangerous for her health. At that point Jack had opened his big mouth and offered to get a vasectomy which would be a much less invasive procedure than having Sam get her tubes tied. He’s probably regretting that decision now, and has been putting it off for as long as possible.

“Jack,” Sam says softly, sitting up and gently removing the arm that’s snugly around her. “The bus will be dropping the boys off soon, why don’t you go take your shower.” Sam turns to him in time to see her husband’s grimace. He knows he’ll be going under the knife shortly, and despite what he’s been insisting all day, she recognizes that he’s nervous.

Sam’s getting Hannah in her baby carrier, and Jack’s putting on his shoes and jacket as their four and six-year-old whirlwinds come through the door, barreling into him.

“Shane, Luke, don’t take your shoes and coats off. Go grab your pillows and the overnight bags I packed for you on your beds. We need to go,” Sam tells the boys immediately-they’re already running late.

“Why do we hafta stay with Aunt Janet and Uncle Daniel all weekend?” Shane whines as he and Luke climb into the backseat of the truck. He dutifully straps his younger brother into his car seat and then checks on his baby sister before wedging himself into the seat between them and buckling up.

Sam turns in the driver’s seat to look at her kids as Jack quietly gets into the cab beside her. “Shane, we talked about this, remember? Daddy has to go to the hospital for a little procedure today and he’s going to need some quiet at home for the next few days.” She starts the truck and awaits the inevitable question.

“What’s a…pro…pro-seet-cher again?” Shane struggles a little with the unfamiliar word.

“It’s an operation, sweetie. The doctor is going to…fix something for Daddy.” Sam pulls out of the driveway and hears Jack groan softly in the passenger seat at her choice of words, resting his head against the window. His hands are fidgeting anxiously with the zipper on his jacket.

“Auntie Janet’s gonna help Daddy?” Luke asks, and Sam smiles at him through the rearview mirror as she drives down the street.

“No, Auntie Janet had to call a special doctor friend in to help Daddy.”

“Can we please talk about something else?” Jack moans without lifting his head from the window.

Sam glances over briefly and gives him a sympathetic smile. She reaches toward him with one hand, touching his thigh comfortingly before turning on the radio. “Let’s listen to some music, okay guys? Hannah likes the radio.”


Sam sits on the gurney with Jack after he’s prepped for surgery, leaning against his shoulder and holding his hand. He’s dressed in a hospital gown and hooked up to an IV. Dr. Harrison-the urologist Janet referred them to-already walked them through the procedure one more time, and now they’re just waiting for him to give Jack a light sedative before taking him in.

Jack’s been pretty quiet all day, but she doesn’t blame him. He’s got a lot on his mind. It’s a simple procedure, and the risks are minimal, but this isn’t something to be taken lightly.

Jack breathes in and out deeply beside her, and she squeezes his hand. “It’ll be over before you know it.”

He doesn’t say anything right away, just grimaces and stares down at his lap with a sigh. Another beat of silence passes before he shifts awkwardly and mutters, “They shaved my nuts.”

Sam snorts softly and gives him an affectionate smile. “It’s not like that was unexpected. Dr. Harrison explained that all beforehand.”

He makes a face, his nose crinkling. “I know, but… Jeeze, I wish they’d sedated me for that part!”

Laughing softly, Sam leans over and kisses his cheek. She’s glad for the brief moment of levity, because even though she’ll never mention it to him, she’s actually a little tense about the whole thing herself.


Sam’s carrying a small bag of Jack’s things when she walks into his room shortly after his operation. The IV is gone, and he’s standing next to the bed, looking a little groggy from the sedative. “Hey,” she sends him a smile when he looks up at her. “How are you feeling?”

“I dunno yet,” he glances downward and grunts. “Still pretty numb down there.” Jack leans on the edge of bed. “Do you know where they hafta jab that big honkin’ needle for the local anesthetic?” he grouches.

She grimaces supportively and gestures toward the tote bag in her left hand. “I’ve got your sweats, boxer briefs, some cold packs from Janet, and Tylenol.”

His brows furrow minutely as he takes his clothes from the bag. “Doc’s here?”

“Yeah. She said she was going to stop in before we left. She’s filling out your discharge papers while Dr. Harrison’s busy with another patient. Same procedure.”

Jack’s face twists and he clears his throat. “I feel for the guy.”

“Come on, let me help you get dressed.”


Sam calls Daniel to check on the kids once they get home, and lets him know that Jack’s okay. Despite their constant ribbing of one another, Sam knows that this isn’t something Daniel will tease Jack about; he’s asking after his best friend, sincerely concerned for his well-being.

She talks to Shane and Luke for a minute or two each, then warns them to behave and go to bed when they’re told before Daniel comes back on the line to say goodbye.

Sam sets down the phone and goes back to the lounge where Jack is lying on the couch with some cold packs on his tender parts. “Still numb?” she asks, perching on the arm of the sofa by her husband’s head and raking her fingers through his hair.

“No.” He sighs, shifts a little and moans softly. “Just…”

“Sore?” she offers when he doesn’t finish.


Getting up, she rounds the coffee table and starts up the steps. “I’ll get you some Tylenol.”


Jack’s not in bed when she wakes in the morning. She hears water running in the en suite and gets up to check on him. “Jack? You okay?”

“My balls look like friggin’ plums,” he mutters from the other side of the door.

“Janet said some swelling and bruising was normal,” Sam says, her head bowed against the doorframe.

“I don’t think this is normal.”

Concerned, she pushes the door open and steps inside. “Let me see.”

He’s standing in front of the sink. He doesn’t turn around, so she goes to his side and bends over. “I don’t think I’ve ever given my testicles this much scrutiny.” He pauses and lifts his head, reconsidering. “Wait, that’s not true. Okay, since puberty.”

“Jack.” Sam smiles minutely with some amusement.

“We’re standing in the bathroom examining my purple nuts. This is weird, Sam. Don’t you think this is weird?”

She shrugs. “Hey, we’re married. Life is weird.” Sam glances down and frowns. “Ooh.”

“What?” he squawks worriedly.

She straightens and puts her hand on his shoulder. “I’m going to call Janet. Go lie down, okay?” Sam knows she’s troubled him even more now, but she really thinks she should call.

He gingerly tugs up his boxer briefs and sweats and shuffles back into the bedroom.

Jack’s back on the bed when she gets off the phone. He lifts his head warily, a question in his dark eyes. She carries over the cold packs in her hand and gives them to him. “Janet just said to keep an eye on the extent of the bruising and use the cold packs for the swelling. Is it overly painful?”

He seems to think about that for a moment as he carefully applies the ice. “No.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah,” he confirms with a slight nod.

Sam gets back on the bed and lies beside him, resting her head on his chest. He wraps an arm around her shoulders and she leans into him.

“How are the kids doin’ with Daniel and the doc?”

“Good. Janet says the boys are having a blast with Cassie. She’s keeping them busy and out of trouble.” She sighs thoughtfully. “I was thinking about picking Hannah up today. You know how fussy she gets when she’s away from us for too long.”

“Yeah.” Jack nods in agreement.

“Shane and Luke will be fine the rest of the weekend with Daniel and Janet. It’ll be too much with all three of them home and you need to take it easy.”

He sighs sleepily. “Mm-hm.”

“You can call them later. They’ll want to hear from you that everything’s okay,” she tells him, but she knows he’s barely awake now.


The swelling is down by the afternoon, and Jack assures Sam he’s feeling better as he gingerly sits at the table for lunch. She sees that he’s uncomfortable, but not in any great pain, and considers it a good sign that he’s hungry.

“It’s too quiet,” he mutters after a few bites of his sandwich.

She smiles.

Jack takes a drink and then looks at her across the table. “I miss the kids.”

“Jack, it’s only been twenty-four hours.” She watches him fondly.

He shrugs and quirks a lopsided grin. “I know, but I miss ‘em.”

“I do, too. But you need calm and quiet for a couple of days, doctor’s orders. You won’t be able to get the rest you need with Shane and Luke running around. They’ll want you to play with them and you can’t.”

Jack sighs and puts down what’s left of his sandwich.

She smiles and reaches across the table to touch his hand. “Rest for what’s left of today. I’ll go get Hannah, then we’ll bring the boys home tomorrow; a day early. How does that sound?”

“Good.” He lifts his head and grins crookedly before finishing off the rest of his lunch.


Jack is happier when Sam brings Hannah home after lunch. He lays with her on the couch, and she snuggles into his chest as they both nap while Sam reads a book in the chair by the windows.

Sam jerks and looks toward the couch when she hears Jack groan in his sleep. His face contorts briefly as Hannah wiggles on his chest, her kicking left foot dangerously close to a very tender part of her daddy’s anatomy.

Quickly setting down her book, Sam gets up and swiftly picks Hannah up just as she starts to really squirm. “Shh, baby. Mama’s got you.” She holds Hannah to her shoulder and soothingly rubs her back, walking around the lounge and bouncing her daughter with each step.

Sam smiles as Hannah begins to settle down. “That’s my girl.” She presses a kiss to the chubby little cheek and takes Hannah to the nursery to lay her in the crib.

Jack’s half awake when she goes back to the lounge. He sits up as she comes over, and she moves behind his shoulders, pulling a pillow into her lap and having him lie back down against her.

He blinks up at her sleepily as she rakes her fingers through his hair. “Hannah?”

“I just put her in the nursery.”

Jack blinks again and nods. He sighs softly with contentment, enjoying the feel of her hand in his short silver hair.


Sam’s just getting off the phone and has Hannah perched on her hip when Jack gets out of the shower, moving slowly with a towel wrapped around his waist. “Hey,” she smiles warmly at him, sitting on the edge of the bed with Hannah in her lap.

“Hey.” He goes over to his bureau to search for clothes. “When are you pickin’ up Shane and Luke?”

“I’m not.” Sam bounces Hannah on her knee a little when she begins babbling. She smiles reassuringly at Jack when he turns and gives her a puzzled look. “I just got off the phone with Janet. She’s going to bring the boys herself so she can give you a check-up.”

“Carter,” he groans, dropping his towel with his back to her and bending slowly to pull on his boxer briefs.

“Jack, it’s no big deal. She just needs to make sure everything’s healing normally.”

He grunts and puts on a clean pair of sweatpants next. “I thought we already established it’s not.”

She shoots him a look. “More bruising than normal isn’t exactly that bad. You could have worse things associated with the bruising, and that’s what Janet needs to check for.”

“Great.” Jack swears under his breath and then pulls on a black Henley shirt.

Sam gets up with Hannah and follows Jack out to the hall. “What do you want for breakfast?”


When Janet brings the boys home, Sam has to remind them not to jump on Daddy, but they still don’t really understand why. She tells Jack she’s going to try explaining what the doctors did to him so Shane and Luke will know-and better understand-that they need to be careful around him. Jack’s not really too keen on the idea, but Sam doesn’t give him the option. They’ve always been pretty honest with their kids, even if they gave them the watered down version of the truth.

Janet goes with Jack into the bedroom so she can examine him, and Sam takes Shane and Luke into their own room to talk and help them unpack.

Sam has the boys sit on Luke’s bottom bunk while she carefully explains Jack’s operation in a way the four and six-year-olds can better understand. When she finishes her explanation, Shane is making a funny face and Luke has tears in his eyes. Her youngest son sniffles and swipes at his face when tears begin to slip down his cheeks.

Kneeling in front of them, Sam looks at her brown-haired four-year-old with concern, putting her hands on his shoulders. “Luke, sweetie, why are you crying?”

He blinks up at her with huge cinnamon eyes that are swimming with tears, and whimpers, “’Cuz they hurted Daddy’s boy parts!”

Sam has to bite on her lower lip to stop herself from laughing. “Oh, sweetie.” She gets on the bunk and pulls Luke into her lap, hugging him and kissing the top of his head. “The doctors gave Daddy special medicine so it wouldn’t hurt during the operation. They did it to help him.”

“But he hurts now?” Shane asks while his little brother’s cries lessen.

“He’s just a little sore and needs to rest, okay? That’s why Mommy needs you to play quietly and not bother Daddy for now.”

Luke takes a deep, brave breath and slides off his mother’s lap. He nods solemnly. “O’tay, Mommy.”

Janet and Jack are back in the lounge when Sam leaves the boys’ room. Her gaze flits back and forth between them, but Jack just looks tired and a little uncomfortable, and Janet’s expression gives nothing away.

Sam sits beside Jack on the couch, reaching behind him to rub his back. “So?” She looks at Janet expectantly.

“Well, the amount of bruising is a little unusual, but nothing to be too concerned about,” Janet tells them both calmly. “The good news is that the incision sites look fine, with no signs of infection, and besides some minor pain-which is to be expected for several days after surgery-everything appears to be fine.” She gives them a comforting smile, then looks at Jack. “You also said there looks to be more swelling than yesterday?”

“Yeah,” he says with an embarrassed grunt.

“That’s okay,” Janet assures him. “That’s normal, too. Just apply ice when needed and keep taking Tylenol. And if the bruising or pain gets any worse, you can call me or Dr. Harrison at any time.”

“Okay.” Jack gets up, presumably to grab a cold pack, and Sam walks with Janet to the front door.

“Janet, thank you so much for taking care of the kids. We really appreciate it,” Sam tells her friend as they stop at the door.

Janet pulls on her coat and smiles. “They were no trouble Sam, honestly. Daniel, Cassie, and I were all glad to help.”

Sam hugs her and says goodbye before going to check on the kids. Shane and Luke are playing in the fort they’ve made on the bottom bunk, sheets and blankets hanging from the top to enclose it. She smiles as she leans in the doorway for a moment, listening to them talk and play.

Hannah is still napping in her crib when Sam checks the baby next, so she goes to the lounge where she finds Jack sitting on the couch with a cold pack to his groin, watching TV. She sits down next to him and puts her hand on his thigh.

“What did the boys say when you told them?” Jack asks, a note of tentative curiosity in his voice.

“Nothing really. Shane kind of looked a little horrified, and Luke,” she smiles sideways and tries not to laugh. Her husband gives her a befuddled look. “Luke cried.”

“He cried?!” Jack asks incredulously, his eyebrows climbing. “Why was he crying? What the hell did you tell him?” he asks with a half-amused expression.

Sam giggles softly, she can’t help it. “He was upset because the doctors,” she prepares to make air quotes, “Hurt your ‘boy parts.’” She starts laughing at the face Jack makes, and then he’s laughing along with her, chuckling and shaking his head.

“Boy parts?” Jack repeats once their laughter has died down. He quirks a lopsided grin. “I think I need to clear something up with the fellas.”

Her brows furrow and she gives him an odd look. “What do you mean?”

Jack straightens up and puffs out his chest. “Well for one thing, after a certain age those are definitely man parts.”

Sam laughs, wraps her arms around him affectionately, and gives him a kiss. She then ruffles his already-unruly hair. “Yes, Jack. Definitely man parts.” He chuckles, and after a moment she gives him a semi-serious look. “Speaking of which, how are your man parts?”

He leans back into the sofa and adjusts the cold pack. “Still a bit sore, but gettin’ better.”

“Good.” She kisses him again and leans against his shoulder. “I’m going to need you in full working order again at some point.”

Jack waggles his eyebrows as a lazy grin spreads across his unshaven face. “Sweet.”

.The End.

au, family, fluff, other character, humor, established samjack, danieljanet, established relationship, domestic happy

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