Do Not Want

Apr 08, 2010 22:07

Title: Do Not Want
Summary: Daniel and Jack disagree over food offered off-world.
Timeframe: Any.
Characters/Pairing: Jack, Daniel
Genre: Drabble, Humor, Friendship
Word Count: 100
Rating: G

Do Not Want

The old man’s gnarly hands stretch toward them with two bowls of a moldy, viscous soup. Or was that slop?

Jack waves the man off after Daniel graciously takes his own bowl. He leans toward the archaeologist and mutters, “Daniel, I’m not eating that.”

An exasperated huff from the goggle-eyed linguist follows. “Just eat it Jack. You’ll insult them.”

Where’s Teal’c and Carter for a distraction when you need ‘em?

Again, Jack waves a hand at the old fella who’s still pushing the bowl in his face. There’s no way in Hell he’s eating that.

“Thank you, no. I’m allergic.”

jack o'neill, daniel jackson, drabble, friendship, humor

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