Transitions (7/12)

Jan 11, 2010 14:30

Title: Transitions (7/12)
Summary: Sequel to " Changes"Jack and Sam's relationship grows, going through it's ups and downs with a little help from their SGC family. SamJack, DanielJanet.
Timeframe: Takes place approximately one year after "Changes".
Characters/Pairing: Established SamJack, established DanielJanet, Team, Cassie
Genre: Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Family, Romance
Rating: T
Chapter Seven: Blessings

When two weeks of multiple missions mainly consisting of mineral surveys, reconnaissance, and boring geological studies was finally over with, the team was grateful to have a long weekend off. Having finished her most recent report on Friday afternoon, Sam met Jack in the commissary for a little snack. She caught him getting some cake and a cup of blue Jell-O from the dessert cabinet as she walked into the open room.

There was hardly anyone around at this time, so she snuck up behind him with a wicked gleam in her eyes and snaked her arms around his waist. She laughed when he jerked slightly, then rested her chin on his shoulder and kissed his cheek. "Hey sexy," she whispered in his ear, teasingly, pulling away before they made a spectacle.

Jack chuckled and twisted around, raising an eyebrow at her suggestively. "You wanna take this off base, or what?" He smirked.

"Soon enough," Sam promised seductively, taking the blue Jell-O from his suddenly rather lax fingers and stepping away from him.

A lopsided, dopey grin spread across Jack's face as feeling returned to his legs and he followed after Sam, quickly tailing her to a table in the corner.

"When's Dad gettin' in?" Jack asked around a mouthful of chocolate cake as Sam spooned up some of her wiggly blue gelatin.

Sam smiled, having nearly forgotten that her father would be staying with them on Earth for the weekend. She was pleased and eager to see him. The Tok'ra had been pretty busy the last few months, and she'd only gotten to see him when it was work related. This time he would be coming by strictly for personal reasons. "The General said that Dad sent a message this morning. He can't get here until around 2100 hours, our time."

Jack nodded thoughtfully, then smirked, licking butter cream frosting off his lips and waving his fork at her. " 'bout that 'soon enough,' eh?" His eyebrows waggled suggestively.

Shaking her head, Sam laughed and said, "You're incorrigible!" She rolled her eyes when he shrugged innocently.

Finishing his cake, Jack looked at her expectantly, then when she didn't say anything, got up out of his seat and made to leave. "Okay. Guess I'll just get Daniel or someone to drive me home, and I'll see you later," he said quietly with false nonchalance.

She knew he was baiting her on purpose, but she didn't care. If he wanted to be playful today, she was game. Dropping her spoon in the almost-finished Jell-O dish, Sam went after him. "Wait, I'm coming!"


Sam and Jack swiftly got up off the couch where they'd been lounging around, watching TV when Dorothy announced Jacob's arrival at the house around 2145, barking loudly. Her father had been allowed to borrow a car from the base motor pool, so no one had to drop him off or pick him up. Sam hugged him fiercely as he stepped in the door with a duffle bag, nearly making him drop his things. "Hey, Dad." She smiled, kissing his cheek before stepping back and allowing Jack to greet him. Dorothy was behind Jack, also clamoring for attention from their visitor.

"Sam. You look great, sweetheart." He told her with a grin. It was obvious to Sam how much he'd missed her.

"Jake." Jack leaned forward, extending his arm for a handshake, a crooked smile illuminating his face.

"Hey, Jack." Jacob returned the handshake and the smile. "It's good to see you; how you doing?"

"Good Jake, real good," the younger man returned, his eyes twinkling as he shot a sly glance at Sam when her father wasn't looking.

Sam swallowed and tried hard not to blush. Oh yes, she knew why Jack was doing 'real good.' She was real good because of the same reason, she just didn't want her father to know what they'd been up to hours before he arrived. Oh God, now she really was blushing! Quickly, Sam bent down to take her father's bag. "I'll go put this in the spare room for you, Dad."

Jacob leaned down to pet Dorothy as the German Shepherd shoved her way in front of him. He chuckled. "Hey girl, I'm glad you remember me."

Jack smirked and thumped Jacob on the shoulder. "C'mon Jake, you want some coffee?"

"Sure." He grimaced as he followed Jack. "Selmak would rather I didn't, though," he mumbled with a roll of his eyes.

Chuckling at the human/Tok'ra, Jack made his way over to the coffee pot and tried for a compromise both man and symbiote could live with. "How 'bout I put a lot of milk in it?" He glanced over at Jacob as the older man took a seat at the table, seeming to be having an brief, internal argument.

"That's fine," Jacob said finally with a nod.

Dorothy plopped herself down on the floor under the table, watching everything that was going on.

Jack took a black coffee for himself, one with milk and one sugar for Sam, and passed Jacob a mug that was more cream and sugar than coffee. He sat down at the table as Sam came in to join them.


Finished with their coffee and chatting about what had been going on in one another's lives, Sam got up and announced that she was heading off to bed. She kissed her father goodnight. "The guest room's all set up for you whenever you're ready, Dad."

"Thanks kiddo." Jacob nodded at her gratefully.

Sam stood beside Jack's chair, a hand on his shoulder. "You coming to bed soon?" she asked softly.

Jack nodded, grabbing his coffee mug and swirling the last cold dregs of the coffee around the bottom of the cup. "Yeah, I'll be there in a few." He had some things he wanted to talk to Jacob about first, things he couldn't say in front of Sam.

She gave him a slightly-curious look, then turned with a small smile and left the kitchen.

Once Jack was certain Sam was in the bedroom, out of earshot, he turned in his chair to see that Jacob was staring at him seriously. Dad knew that something was on his mind, though Jack was sure the older man wasn't quite sure what it was. Jacob was looking decidedly uneasy though.

"What's going on Jack?" Jacob asked him carefully, appearing more unnerved than a moment ago.

"I just wanted to talk to you about something I can't really say in front of Sam..." Jack trailed off, ducking his head slightly with a tight smile. When he met the older man's intent gaze again, he was surprised by the depth of concern in those dark blue eyes, and guessed that Sam's father was thinking about very disconcerting things.

Jacob leaned forward against the table and pitched his voice low. "You're not suffering any ill-effects from the alien medical pod we used last year, are you?"

"No, no, I'm fine," Jack was quick to assure him, waving his hands around dismissively. He smiled at Sam’s father’s concern. Clearing his throat, he lowered his own voice to a whisper and spoke. "Jake, what I wanted to talk to you about... Well, what I mean to ask is..." He hesitated, and could sense the other man's anxiety and eagerness for him to continue.

"For Christ's sake Jack, just spit it out!" Jacob nearly barked the words in his frustration, but he was still whispering.

Chuckling, Jack heaved a sigh and softly said, "I wanna marry your daughter."

Jacob froze, his eyebrows held high, eyes wide, mouth gaping open. In that moment, Jack found that he couldn't breathe, waiting anxiously for Sam's father to say something, anything. Jacob's head hung down so suddenly that Jack jerked back in his seat. Then it rose slowly, and he knew that the Tok'ra had taken control. "I apologize, O'Neill. You have taken Jacob by surprise. He is composing himself as we speak."

Jack made a face. "Uh, thanks. I think." He leaned all the way back in his chair, a little worried that Jacob might take a swing at him once he was back in control.

The Tok'ra's head bowed slightly again, and Jacob was back. His eyes met Jack's, but he didn't seem angry. "Sorry," he apologized, smiling a little, "I wasn't quite expecting that."

Leaning forward with a little more confidence, Jack rested his elbows on the table. He cleared his throat. "I figured I'd ask you first."

One of Jacob's eyebrows rose incredulously. "You're asking my permission?"

Jack smirked. "Well no, not really." He shrugged unapologetically. "But I would like your blessing." He paused and began fiddling with his empty coffee cup again, looking across at Jacob seriously. "I love her, Jacob. And I won't screw this up a second time. Sam means a great deal to me."

The older man nodded wisely and softly said, "I know she does, Jack. You mean a great deal to her, too." Jacob slid his chair back and got up, giving Jack an affectionate pat on the head in passing. "You've got my blessing, son."

Bowing his head with a relieved sigh, Jack grinned, glad to have gotten Sam's father's approval. He had a ring already, so now all he had to do was wait for the right time to propose. Jack knew that SG-1 had a mission coming up sometime in the next week once their weekend off was over, so he figured if things went well, he'd ask her to marry him when the team got back. Hopefully, over a nice romantic dinner of some sort, as cliché as it was.

Grinning to himself, Jack leaned sideways and peered under the table where Dorothy was lying. Her ears perked up and her head tilted as she looked at him curiously. "Ready for bed, girl?" Getting up from the his chair, Jack patted his leg and Dorothy got to her feet, following him to the bedroom.

Sam looked asleep when he got there, only the lamp on the table at his side of the bed was on, illuminating half the room and revealing the glass of water and pill she'd left out for him. He smiled slowly, then stripped down to his boxers and t-shirt, quietly going to his bureau and pulling out a pair of plaid pajama pants to put on. Once he was dressed for bed, Jack took his pill, then crawled beneath the covers and curled up against Sam, one arm wrapped around her and pulling her close. He felt her lean back into him with a contented hum as Dorothy hopped onto the bed and made herself comfortable at their feet.

Chapter Eight
Back to Chapter One

cassie, team, drama, family, samjack, romance, danieljanet, established relationship, hurt/comfort

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