Transitions (5/12)

Jan 06, 2010 10:39

Title: Transitions (5/12)
Summary: Sequel to " Changes"Jack and Sam's relationship grows, going through it's ups and downs with a little help from their SGC family. SamJack, DanielJanet.
Timeframe: Takes place approximately one year after "Changes".
Characters/Pairing: Established SamJack, established DanielJanet, Team, Cassie
Genre: Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Family, Romance
Rating: T

Chapter Five: Stir Crazy

Since Sam couldn't drive with her broken ankle, and Jack wasn't allowed to drive, the two of them were going out of their minds with boredom for the next two days. Jack spent a lot of time training Dorothy, but even so, he was looking for something else to do.

Finally on Thursday afternoon, Teal'c, Daniel, Janet, and Cassie came by with a couple of pizzas and some movies. It had been raining all day and it was making Sam and Jack's boredom so much worse because they couldn't even go outside. So when their friends finally arrived, the pair was extremely grateful for a distraction from their all-consuming boredom. Even Dorothy seemed happier to see some company.

After eating, watching a few movies, and playing a game of poker and Pictionary, Jack noticed that Sam looked like she was getting pretty tired and helped her to bed. When he returned to the lounge, his friends were all cleaning up the pizza boxes and paper plates. "You don't gotta do that guys, I'll clean up," he insisted.

"We helped make the mess, so we'll help clean up," Cassie said, flashing him a smile and shoving some trash in a bag.

"Thanks." Jack flashed them all a grin and went to grab some spray cleaner and paper towels to wipe off the coffee table.

Teal'c picked up the empty beer bottles, none of which were Jack's. O'Neill was still drinking his, and had told Teal'c that it was his last beer of the week and he was savoring it. The Jaffa had smiled at that.

When everyone was leaving, Janet stood in the doorway, talking to Jack for a moment while Daniel, Cassie, and Teal'c got in the car. "Tell Sam that I want to see her first thing Monday morning, okay? I might be able to clear her for light duty then."

Jack nodded with an appreciative smile. "Will do. I bet she'll be glad to get back to work. Sam's gettin' pretty crazy stuck here with no work to do. I think she’s experiencing separation anxiety from her doohickeys," he joked.

Janet laughed softly, then hugged Jack and stood on her toes to give him a kiss on the cheek. "Bye Jack, take good care of her."

"I will," he said confidently, closing the door behind the doctor as she left. He turned to Dorothy, standing beside him and wagging her tail. Jack smiled down at the dog and patted her on the head.


Spending nearly all of Saturday in his office doing research and studying artifacts, Daniel finally had some human contact in the form of Janet around three in the afternoon. He looked up as she poked her head in his office.

"What are you still doing here?" she asked, crossing her arms and leaning against the doorframe.

Daniel smiled sheepishly and nudged the slipping glasses up the bridge of his nose. He shrugged, closing one of his books. "Sorry, I got caught up in all....this." The archaeologist gestured around the many books, papers, and small artifacts cluttering his desk.

Janet smiled and strode toward him, laying a hand on his shoulder. "You've been here all day, Daniel. Come on, it's time to get out of the mountain for awhile." She tugged on his arm, affectionately.

He heaved a sigh, knowing he was not going to win this argument. "What am I supposed to do?"

"Go visit Jack and Sam," Janet suggested, bending down to kiss Daniel's cheek. "Bring Sam her laptop and some papers to look over. I'm sure she'll appreciate that."

The archaeologist nodded, smiling at Janet and getting to his feet. "Yeah, I bet." He gave her a quick kiss, then headed out.

"I'll see you at home," Janet called after him softly.

When Daniel got to Jack's house, he was greeted by Sam standing in the doorway with her crutches, right ankle in the walking boot. "Hey," he said with a half-smile, adjusting the laptop bag on his shoulder. He was surprised that Jack hadn't gotten up to get the door for her. His friend had been hovering closely around Sam, doing whatever he could for her since she'd left the infirmary. Daniel was also a bit surprised not to be greeted by a barking dog.

Sam spotted the familiar bag Daniel was carrying and her eyes widened. "Please tell me that's my work laptop and you've brought me fun things to look at?"

"It is." Daniel laughed softly. "And I did."

Hobbling backwards so Daniel could come in, Sam then turned and made her way down into the lounge.

Following her, Daniel set the laptop bag down on the coffee table and sat in the armchair while Sam took the couch. He looked around with furrowed brows. "Where's Jack and his shadow?" He suspected maybe they were in the backyard, or out for a walk.

Sam twisted around on the couch before turning back to Daniel and sending him a faint smile. "They're both in the bedroom taking a nap."

Daniel smiled a little and shook his head. "Ah, so I see he's really taking care of you, huh?" he joked sarcastically.

"Oh, don't say that," Sam told him with a short laugh. "I've had Jack cleaning for me all day. I had to keep him busy and out of my hair a little bit. He wouldn't stop fluffing my pillows and asking if I was comfortable."

Nodding with understanding, Daniel smiled again, laughing. "That figures." Suddenly remembering something he'd meant to tell her, Daniel reached for the laptop bag on the coffee table and flipped it open, pulling out a disc from one of the pockets. "Oh, I uploaded a bunch of papers and stuff to get you up to date on what new technology we've been working with recently." He handed it to her. "Here."

"Thanks Daniel," Sam told him, smiling as she took the disc. "I really appreciate this. I've been going stir crazy here."

"I bet."

Sam and Daniel chatted aimlessly for a while over coffee. Daniel talked about work and the latest projects that he'd uploaded on the disc he made for her, and Sam told Daniel about all the training Jack had been doing with Dorothy.

Daniel was looking things over with Sam on her laptop when a sleepy looking Jack shuffled into the room, Dorothy loping along at his side, wagging her tail and looking alert.

"Hey Sleeping Beauty," Daniel teased his friend with a smile.

"Danny." Jack yawned and ruffled his hair that was already sticking up in every direction. He straightened his t-shirt and shuffled over to Sam, plopping down on the couch beside her when Daniel vacated the seat and moved back to the armchair.

Daniel ruffled Dorothy's fur as she came over to greet him. "Hey pup." He smiled, even as she leaned up with her big paws on his knees and licked his glasses.

Jack chuckled. "Alright, stop assaulting Daniel now, girl. Get down," he commanded gently, waving the German Shepherd over when she turned to look at him. He leaned back against the couch and yawned loudly as Dorothy laid down under the coffee table in front of his and Sam's feet.

"You okay?" Sam asked with slightly-furrowed brows. He seemed beyond just post-nap sleepy, and she realized that he'd been pretty lethargic all day.

"Yeah," he claimed. Jack yawned again and shrugged. "It's the pills," he explained dismissively.

Sam slowly nodded in acceptance. She knew that the anti-seizure medication Jack was on could have sedative-like effects, but they'd never made him this tired before.

"Hey, how's the ankle? You need anything?" he asked, deflecting attention from himself when he noticed Daniel looking at him as well.

Sam smiled at him. "It's a little sore, but I'm okay." When Jack opened his mouth to say something, she held up a hand and quickly interrupted him. "And yes, I already took the painkillers."

Jack chuckled and nodded. He glanced over at his friend, who was still trying to get the slobber marks off the lenses of his glasses. "So, what brings you by this evenin' Danny?"

The archaeologist stuck his glasses back on his face, squinted through the lenses and looked over at Jack with a smile. "Just thought I'd stop by to bring Sam something to work on. I've been busy at the base all day and Janet kinda kicked me out." Daniel ducked his head sheepishly.

Jack and Sam both laughed. That sounded like Janet alright.

Daniel shrugged. "She suggested that I come visit you guys."

Sam laughed, then said, "Well, are you hungry? You can stay for dinner if you like."

Blinking, Jack glanced at his watch and noticed the time. He hadn't realized he'd slept so long. It was now after five. Not wanting Sam to trouble herself, Jack stood and waved a hand toward the kitchen. "Want me to make something?"

Smiling at him, Sam shook her head and placed a hand on Jack's leg. She appreciated the offer, but knew that his cooking skills were limited, and the food he'd made for her the other night was about as much as he could do, if you didn't count anything done on the grill, or boiling pasta. "No, it's okay. Let's just order take out."

Jack turned to Daniel. "So, you gonna stay or what?"

Daniel shook his head apologetically. "Thanks for the offer, but it's my turn to cook tonight before Janet gets back from work, and Cassie's probably waiting at home." He smiled at them and stood.

"Okay then. Bye Daniel. And thank you." Sam nodded at him as he started up the steps.

"We'll see you later, Danny." Jack walked with him to the door and saw him out, Dorothy tailing on his heels.


While waiting for their Chinese to be delivered, Jack went outside to play catch with Dorothy for a little while. The dog was getting restless and he figured she was longing for some exercise. They hadn't gone for any walks lately because Jack didn't want to leave Sam alone. He knew he owed the dog.

Sam fiddled with the research on her laptop, going over the work Daniel had brought her while Jack was outside with Dorothy.

Jack picked up the tennis ball Dorothy dropped at his feet and tossed it across the yard. He grinned as she raced after the ball and quickly returned it to him. Throwing the ball again, Jack looked down at the dog in confusion when she didn't go after it. "What's the matter girl, you don't wanna play anymore?"

Dorothy started whining and began tugging on the sleeve of Jack's shirt with her teeth, trying to pull him in the direction of the house.

He tried to tug his arm away gently, but she wouldn't let go. "Dorothy, what's-" Jack suddenly felt the onslaught of nausea and his eyes widened as he staggered over to the bushes.

The German Shepherd released his shirt and loped after him as he hunched over with his hands on his knees, retching into the undergrowth. She whined empathetically at his side and nudged his leg with her big furry head, as though in an effort to comfort him.

When he'd finished vomiting, Jack swiped his shirt sleeve across his mouth and groaned, stumbling backwards and sitting down on the grass. When Dorothy stood there, leaning against him and whining softly, Jack put a hand on her back and used the dog to help him get to his feet. She remained steady at his side, and he knew she wasn't sure what to do. They hadn't really worked on a scenario like this in training. Jack knew there was nothing Dorothy could really do when he got sick like this. He was going to throw up no matter what pills were brought to him. Just having the dog there helped, though.

"Thanks, girl." Taking a steady breath, Jack patted Dorothy's back and headed inside.

Moving quietly through the kitchen, Jack slipped into the bathroom before Sam could notice him. She was still in the lounge, busy with her laptop. He didn't want her to know what happened. Turning on the faucet, Jack quickly washed his face and brushed his teeth to get the stink and taste of vomit out of his mouth. He rinsed with mouth wash and then quickly went to the front door when there was a knock. Dorothy barked loudly. Their food was here.

Jack paid for the Chinese and met Sam in the living room, spreading everything out on the coffee table as she moved her laptop. When he sat down and dug out the plastic forks, handing one to Sam, he realized she was looking at him curiously. "What?" he asked innocently, a disarming grin on his face.

"You smell like Listerine." Her brows furrowed worriedly. She knew what he was trying to hide from her, but she didn't know why he was hiding it. When he tried to turn away and shake his head to deny her, Sam knowingly said, "You got sick, didn't you?"

He just shrugged nonchalantly and began picking through his Pork Lo Mein, the thought of eating right now turning his stomach just a bit. Using Dorothy as a distraction, he picked out a few pieces of pork and gave them to her.

"Why were you trying to hide it from me?" She asked him softly, straightening where she sat and gingerly moving her brace-covered foot to the floor.

Sighing, Jack shrugged again, his brows knitting together. He wouldn't look at her.

Something flashed across his face before he turned away, and it took a second for Sam to recognize the emotion. She scooted closer to him on the couch and smiled gently. "It's okay Jack. You don't need to be embarrassed."

He frowned and heaved another sigh. But he was embarrassed, no matter how reassuring she could be, or how understanding.

Sam understood without him saying anything. She knew he hated every little reminder of his weaknesses, and that it bothered him more than he could ever say. Without another word, she reached over to the coffee table and opened up one of the take out cartons. "Let's just eat."

Jack made a face. With his stomach still feeling a little queasy, he picked through the food, giving bits and pieces to Dorothy, who was happy to gobble up whatever he didn't plan on eating himself.

Sam had noticed that Jack wasn't really eating anything, but she kept herself from saying anything. Instead, she continued chowing down her own food and started up casual conversation with him in distraction.

Once Sam was finished eating, and had realized he wasn't going to eat anymore, she got up, carefully balancing mostly on one leg, and took the take-out carton off his lap. "You don't have to finish," she told him with a small smile.

Snapping to his feet quickly, as though he'd been in a daze, Jack took both cartons from her and urged Sam to sit back down. "It's okay, I got it." Smiling briefly at her, Jack went off to the kitchen with their leftovers, Dorothy getting up and quickly following him, hoping to get some scraps.


As they lay in bed together that night, Jack curled his body comfortingly around Sam's, his face pressed into the crook of her neck. The bit of stubble on his chin that had grown during the day tickled her, and she shuddered briefly with a quiet giggle as his face moved against her neck. "Stop fidgeting, you're tickling me," she teased softly, laughing.

"Sorry." He chuckled into the crook of her neck and apologized again when the further movement caused her to giggle even more. Jack pulled back and tilted his chin downwards so that just his forehead now rested against the back of her neck. "Better?"

"Yeah." Sam nodded, smiling as she felt his arms tighten around her. She could feel Dorothy wiggling around at the end of the mattress by their feet, seeming to make an effort not to lean up against her injured foot. Having the dog there made her feel comfortable and safe, almost as safe as she felt just being with Jack.


Waking early the next morning, Jack slid out from under the covers without disturbing Sam, then went to the bathroom before shuffling out to the back door with Dorothy on his heels. The German Shepherd licked his hand, eager to go outside, and then dashed out on the back deck when Jack unlocked and opened the door. He followed her out there, bare feet padding softly on the cold wood.

When Dorothy went about her business and then decided she wanted to sniff around the yard a while longer, Jack turned to go inside; he was starting to get cold in just his sweats and an old t-shirt. He took his pills, then started the coffeemaker as he waited for Sam to wake up.

Seeing Dorothy now waiting patiently at the door to the back deck, Jack let her inside and then made his way to the table. He patted the dog on the head when she came over to him and rested her head on his knee. Grinning, he scratched her behind the ears and noticed her rapidly wagging tail. "Hey girl, wanna do some trainin'?"

Dorothy stared back at him with warm, amber eyes, her tail continuing to wag happily.

"Okay, let's do it." Jack got up from his seat again, and got an impish look on his face. "Let's practice having you fetch Sam for me, eh girl?"

Sitting down patiently and awaiting a command, Dorothy focused all her attention on her master.

Using the hand signals he'd been teaching her, as well as his voice, Jack tapped twice at his chest, then waved a hand, gesturing away from himself as he said, "Dorothy, get Sam."

The German Shepherd seemed to smile at him attentively before standing and trotting off for the bedroom.

A minute later Jack heard Sam's sleepy voice down the hall.

"Dorothy, let go..." As realization set in, and she apparently became more awake, Sam worriedly called out, "Jack?"

"I'm fine," he answered back instantly, striding for the bedroom. "Just doing some training." He appeared in the doorway, grinning. "Mornin'."

Sam rolled her eyes and frowned at him before a yawn took over. Her short blonde hair was sticking up all over the place. Gaze swinging toward the clock as she scooted toward the edge of the bed, she turned her attention back to Jack and frowned again. "It's early."

"Yeah. Sorry." He grimaced and shrugged, rubbing at the back of his neck. Jack went over to her and sat beside her on the bed, looking down at her injured foot that was dangling off the mattress, hovering just above the floor. "How's your ankle?"

Examining her ankle by shifting her foot slightly, she shrugged. "Not bad."

"Want your pills?"

Sam shook her head stubbornly and smiled at him. "Nope." When Jack rose his eyebrows she gave him a silencing look, then reached for her crutches and got to her feet when he handed them to her. "I want coffee." She breathed in deeply, able to smell the intoxicating aroma from the kitchen.

"Okay, okay," Jack relented, knowing that if she really was in need of her pain medication, she'd take them. She was stubborn in her own right, but usually not as bad as him. He stood there, staring at her for a moment with a ridiculous grin on his face before she spoke up impatiently.

"Jack. Coffee. Now."

He snorted and chuckled, quickly getting out of her way. "Yes ma'am!"

Dorothy wagged her tail and trotted out into the hall ahead of them.

Jack whipped up some scrambled eggs with cheese, handing Sam a plate as he sat across from her at the table. He grinned as he watched her eagerly suck down her coffee. "Hey, lucky for you, Doc's probably gonna let you on light duties tomorrow."

Sam smiled, setting down her coffee so she could eat some eggs. "I can't wait. I'm going nuts just sitting around and doing nothing."

"Hey, you're not doing nothing! Daniel brought you stuff yesterday!" Jack exclaimed.

She pouted. "But I've finished with it already."

He rolled his eyes. When she looked at him again, a smug grin spread across his face, and his eyebrows went up and down suggestively. "I can find ways to keep you busy." Jack smirked.

Sam laughed, then sent him a saucy smile. She put her fork down and leaned against the table. "Oh really?"

Dorothy's ears twitched, her nose on the edge of the table, sniffing out Sam's scrambled eggs.

"Yep." His eye were fixed hungrily on her lips. "If you're feeling up to it."

For a second, Sam glanced down at her booted foot, then her eyes settled back on Jack, smiling at the predatory look he was giving her. "I'm up to it." She shrieked with laughter as Jack suddenly leapt out of his seat, scooping her into his arms and bounding toward the bedroom.

"Wait! I want a shower first!" she exclaimed indignantly.

Jack chuckled and kept going. Dorothy was chasing after them, barking like it was all a fun game. "That can be arranged!"

Chapter Six
Back to Chapter One

cassie, team, drama, family, samjack, romance, danieljanet, established relationship, hurt/comfort

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