Title: Burdened
Summary: It’s the hardest decision he’ll ever make.
Timeframe: None.
Pairings: Sam/Jack
Genre: Drama, Angst, Tragedy
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
The hiss and click of the ventilator is a sound he won’t soon forget.
She’s laying there, all tubes and wires. Lifeless. Never to open her eyes again. Brain dead they tell him.
He needs to make a decision.
There’s nothing left. She’s already gone.
It hurts to believe that.
They’re sorry. And he’s heartbroken and empty.
The child she saved lives, but she won‘t.
He’s burdened with the decision that has to be made, and he hates that.
He doesn’t want to live without her.
Sucking in a shaky breath, he breathes out, glances at the doctor and nods.