In Time: Absence Makes the Heart Ache

Aug 03, 2009 16:35

Title: Absence Makes the Heart Ache
Summary: Sam's in Atlantis and missing her Jack.
Timeframe: Sam's in Atlantis.
Characters/Pairing: Established SJ
Genre: G.
Rating: Angst
Note: This was written in celebration of sj_everyday's birthday! Inspired by THIS wonderful pic, thanks to regularamanda's awesome SJ picspam! :D

Absence Makes the Heart Ache

Sam never expected having a long distance, galaxies apart, relationship would be easy. She never thought she'd miss the way he almost always left the toilet seat up in the middle of night, the infuriating way he washed colors with whites on laundry day, the two-day growth of prickly stubble on long weekends, the smell of Fruit Loops on his breath on Sunday mornings, or the way his new aftershave made her crinkle her nose.

She didn't expect to hurt so much without him.

Looking through her closet, Sam pulled out a box that was buried way in the back, covered with a few blankets and some extra pairs of shoes. She opened it slowly, tears pricking her eyes as a smile graced her lips. Reaching into the box, Sam lightly caressed the soft, worn material of the uniform within. Taking out the familiar blue BDU shirt, she brought the material to her face and inhaled the comforting scent that still lingered on the fabric.

Slipping her arms through the sleeves, Sam closed her eyes and tried to imagine Jack's arms wound around her, holding her close to his chest with his nose in her hair. She reverently touched the careworn patches, thinking of him, of the times he'd worn the uniform, the times they spent together, on and off-world. She thought of him visiting her lab, lunches in the commissary, late night vigils watching over one of their teammates in the infirmary, and the nights she'd actually find him in his office before a deadline, scrambling to complete the latest mission reports.

Sam curled up on her bed, wearing Jack's shirt, and convincing herself that the distance would only make their love stronger. She wouldn't let him go; not now, not ever. It still didn't make the empty feeling in her gut go away. God, she missed him. What was that cliché? Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Yeah, that's the one. But absence also makes the heart ache.

-The End-

angst, sam carter, series: in time, established relationship, atlantis, samjack

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