Jaffa Jack: Insecure

Mar 23, 2009 00:41

Title: Insecure
Summary: Jack’s being a little broody and both Daniel and Sam are needed to help him out.
Timeframe: Shortly after ‘Enigma.’
Characters/Pairing: Established SJ, Daniel
Genre: General, Angst, Drama
Rating: PG.


Jack assumed the meditative pose that Teal’c preferred, one he rarely used himself, and closed his eyes, attempting to concentrate. It was getting a little easier, and as time went on, he was adapting better, attuning his senses to that of his symbiote. It was a strange feeling, but he knew that he had to let it happen.

A moment after he’d reached kelno’reem, the door to his and Sam’s private quarters flung open, Daniel bursting through. Jack slowly unfolded his legs, grateful for the lack of protest from his knees, and stood to face his friend with a curiously raised eyebrow.

“What’s got you so excited that you hadta bust in my room?”

A bashful grimace adorned the young archaeologist’s features for a brief moment. “Uh, sorry Jack. I knocked, but you didn’t answer,” he trailed off, seeming to notice the candles and the darkness of the room for the first time. “Okay, and now I see why.” Daniel grimaced. “Sorry, did I interrupt?”

Jack smiled wryly and waved a hand of dismissal. “Nah, I was just finishing up. I’m good.” He knew his friend would’ve been upset if he’d interrupted Jack’s meditation. Daniel was aware that Jack sometimes had a hard time reaching kelno’reem.

Blowing out the candles and turning on the lights, Jack waited expectantly for Daniel to say something. When he didn’t, Jack prompted him. “So?”

“Oh! Right!” Daniel flashed a quick smile and adjusted his glasses. He shrugged. “I just wanted to know if you felt like getting lunch.”

Raising a skeptic eyebrow, Jack shrugged and nodded. Now that he thought about it, his stomach was rumbling and Sparky was now churning in his gut, eager for sustenance. “Alright, let’s go.”


Daniel stared across the table at his friend as the older man devoured the large meal on his tray. “Hungry?”

Jack barely paused in shoveling food into his mouth. “Hey, I’m eatin’ for two now,” he muttered somewhat jokingly, pausing and taking a drink.

Aware that his friend had been keeping curiously to himself all day, Daniel considered their last mission and SG-1’s encounter with the advanced alien race called the Tollan. He realized that Jack’s avoidance had begun quickly thereafter.

“What do you really want, Daniel?”

Jack’s sudden question surprised the archaeologist. Daniel grimaced, wondering if he were truly that transparent. He didn’t answer right away, finding that he didn’t quite know what to say.

“Sam tell you to drag me out for a chat?”

“Uh…no. But she did mention you haven‘t really been yourself lately.” Daniel stabbed at the mush on his plate, swirling the mashed potatoes together with peas and carrots. He felt his ears getting red when he suddenly blurted, “Is this about Narim?”

Jack’s fork clattered against the table, and Daniel could see the muscle in his jaw twitch as his friend clenched his teeth. “Dammit, that creep tried to kiss my wife!” he growled lowly.

Aware that there were other people in the commissary, Daniel kept his voice quiet. “But he didn’t, Jack. Sam pushed him away; I saw it. She nearly slapped the guy across the face!”

“Well, he woulda deserved it!” Jack’s eyes narrowed, brown orbs dark with restrained anger. “He tried to give her some Vulcan mind-meld device thing-a-majig.”

“You mean the device he had that recorded his emotions? He had a crush on Sam and didn’t know she wasn’t available,” Daniel tried to soothe, well-aware that he was treading on very dangerous ground at the moment. “But he sure as hell does now. Sam made it abundantly clear that she was uninterested and already quite happily spoken for. Flattered, but not interested.”

Jack snorted, his fists clenched atop the table. “She didn’t hafta be so damn nice to him. Maybe then he wouldn’t have got the wrong idea,” he muttered childishly, adding, “She gave him her cat, for cryin’ out loud!”

Forcing himself not to chuckle at his friend’s juvenile behavior, Daniel said, “She only brought the cat in to show him. Sam told me Schrödinger’s already back home.”

Grunting in response, Jack pushed what was left of his food away and crossed his arms.

Daniel was certain that his friend was only acting jealous because of his own insecurities, and knew that he needed to reassure Jack. He had to tell the other man something he was already aware of, even if the truth was a little fuzzy at the moment in a haze of doubt. “Sam loves YOU, Jack, and that’s not going to change. You know that.”

His friend sighed, rubbing the heel of his hand into his forehead. “Maybe,” he muttered, face now in his hands. “I guess I’m just not interesting enough for her. I‘m not a scientist.”

The defeated tone to Jack‘s voice had Daniel a little worried. “Sam was just fascinated by the Tollan’s technology, Jack. She wasn’t fascinated by Narim.” He paused, realizing this was as far as their conversation could go. “You need to go talk to Sam.”

With a grunt of acknowledgment, Jack shoved his chair back and nodded, his eyes narrowed determinedly. “Yeah. Yeah, I do.”


After a brief, but meaningful chat with her husband about the SGC’s latest alien guests, and convincing him that she was infinitely loyal to him and him alone, Sam decided that perhaps her awkward moment with Narim wasn’t the only thing that was bothering Jack. He was using the jealousy as a buffer for his true insecurities.

Sam sat down on the lab stool beside Jack and gently took the plastic model of a double helix out of his fidgeting hands. “Something else is wrong,” she said in a soft, blunt tone.

She watched his jaw clench before he heaved a sigh. “Yeah,” he admitted after a moment, his voice low and barely audible.

Knowing it was best not to prod him right now, Sam waited patiently and placed her hand on his knee.

“It’s Maybourne,” he muttered under his breath.

She cocked her head, curiously. “You mean Colonel Maybourne trying to taken the Tollan people for the NID to stu….” Sam abruptly trailed off, realizing she’d just about hit the nail on the head. The Tollan were safe now, away from the greedy clutches of their government’s shady NID program. Jack felt like HE was the one vulnerable for study.

Jack wouldn’t look at her, studying an invisible speck on her lab bench. In a low voice, devoid of any emotion, he said, “Before Maybourne, Kennedy was planning to take Teal’c away for study. What do ya think’s gonna happen if the NID find out about me?”

“Oh, Jack.” Sam moved her stool closer to him and gripped his arm.

“I’m sure both me and Teal’c are soon to be on the NID’s list for test subjects.”

“No.” Shaking her head firmly, Sam moved her hand down his arm to grip his own hand. “That’s not going to happen, Jack. No one outside the SGC, except for the President himself, knows about you.”

His teeth clenched both visibly and audibly, and a sigh hissed between his lips. “I’ve spent over a decade in special ops, Sam, both you and I know there can always be leaks.”

She nodded, not denying it. “Yes, that’s true. But whatever happens, they can’t take you away. I won’t let it happen, and neither will General Hammond, and I’m sure more than half the personnel on base won’t either.”

Jack snorted and quirked a wry smile. “Oh yeah?”

“Yes, Jack.” She smiled, now turned so that she was facing him, her knees between his own. Sam reached out to put her hands on either side of his face. “No matter what happens, even if we have to escape through the stargate, they will NEVER touch you.”

He smiled, a genuine one, and lowered his chin slightly.

“You’re mine. Forever.” Sam pulled his head forward, kissing his forehead, then his nose, before their lips met. She’d spoken truthfully; she would do anything for him, just as she knew he would for her.

Looking into her husband’s dark-brown eyes before wrapping her arms around him tightly, Sam truly felt that Jack believed her, too.


angst, series: jaffa jack, drama, daniel jackson, samjack, established relationship, general, episode tag: enigma

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