Title: Daniel's Fault
Summary: It’s all Daniel’s fault.
Timeframe: Pre-‘Little Miss Attitude’ and ‘Just Not Right‘.
Characters/Pairing: Established Sam/Jack, Daniel
Genre: Humor
Rating: G.
Daniel’s Fault
Daniel inspected the ruins with his infamous anthropologist/archaeologist intensity. His fingers ghosted along script carved deeply into the dusty, half-crumbled stone walls, blue eyes staring with absolute focus through the lenses of his glasses.
He paused, his gaze shifting to a protruding shape in the midst of the carved text, it’s dull green tone in contrast with the pale tan of the entire wall.
“Daniel,” Jack growled impatiently, coming up behind the archaeologist with Sam standing beside him.
“Hold on, I think I may have found something.” His fingers started to touch along the odd green shape sticking out of the ruins.
When the shape started to pulse with a faint, barely noticeable glow, Sam called out, startled, “Daniel! Don’t-”
“-TOUCH ANYTHING!” Jack’s voice hollered at the same time.
“What?” Daniel pushed away from the wall, accidently pushing the green shape further into the ruins.
Suddenly, with horror, Jack realized that Sam was standing on a particular spot in the floor that matched the shape and color of the protrusion in the wall, only it was bigger. And it was glowing. “Carter!”
It was too late.
A bright flash of light shot up from the floor, engulfing Sam entirely. Daniel and Jack had to look away, lest they be blinded by the overpowering glow.
Ten seconds later the light disappeared, and Jack’s eyes quickly shot toward the spot where Sam had been, praying she’d be okay. “Sam?!”
There sat an extremely short, blonde-haired, blue-eyed little girl, engulfed in heavy, oversized clothing. She blinked up at the two men, looked down at herself, and squeaked. “Oh crap.”
Jack spun, directing a scathing look at the still-stunned archaeologist. “DANIEL!!!”
-The End-
Note: There ya go. An explanation as to how Sam got shrunk, as requested by
rebeccavoy_icon and