why kids move out [mpg]
meat spin - if you can't figure out this isn't SFW, then go ahead, you prolly deserve to have your boss catch you looking at this.. oh, and for
a scientific explanation of the surprise felt
and they wonder why they banned women in string bikinis in Copacobana (although seriously, dude, put a shirt on)
some really bad sex (of a literary kind). here's a *shudder* taste: "...not juice at all but a demon eel thrashing in his loins and swimming swiftly up his cock, one whole creature of live slime fighting the stiffness as it rose and bulged at the tip and darted into her mouth."
getting caught naked in the street isn't usually that big a deal. well,
unless you're part way to robbing a bank the top 10 movie remakes, including Prude & Pre-juiced, Harry Rotter and the On-Fire Gobbling (yes yes, porn movies, of course)
and ok, something less distasteful -
a nasal spray aphrodisiac. likely to be on the market in the next 3 years.. annnd just coz it's funny.
Google in 1960