(Alternative title being "So guess who meant to do this as a dorky video with lots of pictures and COMPLETELY FORGOT!")
So, many of us have (not) admitted to what we used to read when we were little, fifteen/eighteen things about books and reading, or what we're technically supposed to be reading right now (Ask me whether my pile has changed since I posted my
video of it. I dare you.), I figured I might as well ask about the other side of the coin - namely, what are three books/authors/series/whatever that you will never ever read. Even if reading this book would CHANGE YOUR LIFE and make you an instant saint or something.
(This one is hard for me, seeing as I recall saying "WILL NEVER READ TWILIGHT. TOO MUCH BAD PRESS. NOT GONNA HAPPEN. EVER." and it is now on the top of my to-read pile with a notebook for a bookmark so I can score it for how many times it made me flail in a bad way. Peer-pressure for the win?)
1. Robin Hobb. I might have considered it once upon a time - I am a big fantasy-loving geek! Robin Hobb is taking up half of one of the shelves in every library I go in, and half a bookcase in Waterstones! Sheer exposure, guys! - but then I found
this rant, and was horrified at her attitude.
If you don't like fanfic, fine. No one is asking you to read it, and if you say so, most of us will listen. Or at least pretend to. But telling people who read or might read your books at some point in the future that they're doing it wrong - that by reading a book and wondering "what if" or imagining what happened in between scenes, we're somehow invalidating your world and accusing you of not writing it correctly - for GOD'S SAKE, WOMAN. Plz to be removing your head from your arse.
THAT and I picked up one of her books from the "Giant hardbacks for 50p!" shelf in the library to see what the hell she thought was so amazing and went "Urgh. No." WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT BEING BAD AT "NEVER."
2. Anything else by Stephanie Meyer, if I have my way. I predict this won't end well, but the attempt has to be made! It's - Twilight bores me. I can't identify with the main character, which is A Bad Thing when it's first person from her point of view (Um. I think she's kind of a bitch to be honest! A thirty year old pretending to be a high-school student and just FAILING MISERABLY. ... And I keep trying to call her Stephanie. Huh.) and the characters do things that make NO SENSE (Edward, I am looking at you and your offering of a lift to Seattle. THIS HAD BETTER START MAKING SENSE.).
3. Mills and Boons. Apparantly they call them something else in America, but those trashy romances that are basically just pages of THROBBING MANHOOD and women going "No! No! Nononono a whole entire WORLD of NO - oh wait, actually this is pretty okay!" and happily ever afters and "I HAD YOUR BABY AND YOU MARRIED SOMEONE ELSE D:"(
mistful summarises em pretty well
here, but they're not all Earls of Rape - there are sheiks and multi-millionaires, and doctors and spies, all of whom are interchangable - I've looked at the back, and the only thing that's any different about them as far as I can tell is that the names are different.) and you can pick them up for about twenty pence each. They are the spawn of the devil, I swear to god, trashy thin plots that are basically an excuse for angst and THROBBING MANHOODs. We had to study one of them in English one day, and I actually screamed.
Basically, if I want angst and throbbing manhoods and rape that ends up with the victim madly in love with the one who raped them, I can find that on FF.Net in about five seconds flat. The fact that I DON'T may be something to do with the fact that this crap offends my sensibilities. >\
Next Sunday's not-challenger is Ms
owlmoose, if that's all right? Good luck!