Snoopy auditon for community theatre production, "You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown"

Mar 08, 2010 15:46

Name: Desmond Molloy
Character You're Auditioning For: Snoopy, but he'd settle for being Schroeder's understudy if Jude gets the role
Audition Song: Snoopy's song
Cold Reading or Monologue: The Red Baron
Desmond had no clue how he'd gotten roped into auditioning for this community play. He knew that Beth had coerced his brother into auditioning, but Jude had a shot at actually getting his part; he was a professional musician, after all. Desmond wasn't a singer or an actor, he was a graphic designer! Unfortunately, he couldn't resist his brother's puppy dog eyes and he'd finally caved after hours of relentless pleading from Jude. Desmond hadn't sang in years, not since Jude and he had been altar boys at Saint Joseph's Catholic Church in their hometown of St. Louis. Desmond had lost interest in singing around the age of 12, discovering a love for computers. He was a computer nerd and damn proud of it. So why exactly was he standing on a stage, wearing a black beanie cap, a white scarf around his neck and a pair of black sunglasses, his hands nervously clutching a piece of paper? Oh, right, his brother's puppy dog eyes and pouty face.

He took a deep breath and licked his lips, skimming the page, which had his monologue printed on it, once more. He was pretty sure he could remember all the words of the song, but he was a little nervous about the monologue. He could feel his stomach fluttering and he swallowed, trying to calm down. He quickly folded the paper up and stuffed it in his pocket and then cleared his throat. It was now or never.

He puffed out his chest and placed his hands on his hips, looking proud and standing tall. "Here's the World War One flying ace high over France in his Sopwitch Camel, searching for the infamous Red Baron!" His voice was shaky, at least, that was how it seemed to his ears and he licked his lips again. He could feel his heart hammering against his chest, but he could do this, for Jude. He relaxed his stance a little, clenching his hand into a fist and smacking it against his other palm. "I must bring him down! Suddenly, anti-aircraft fire, 'archie' we used to call it, begins to burst beneath my plane. The Red Baron has spotted me! Nyahh, Nyahh, Nyaah, you can't hit me!" He stuck his tongue out and brought his hands up to his ears, waggling his fingers a little, and then he brought one hand down to his mouth, as in an aside. "Actually, tough flying aces never say 'Nyahh, Nyahh, Nyahh,' I just, ah. . ."

He coughed and lowered his hand, scrunching up his face in concentration and overexaggerating the facial expression since he was wearing sunglasses, which hid his eyes and his emotions. He hunched over a little, his hands coming up as if he were holding a steering wheel. He was starting to get into things and he didn't realize that the shakiness of his voice had disappeared. "Drat this fog! It's bad enough having to fight the Red Baron without having to fly in weather like this! All right, Red Baron! Where are you? You can't hide forever!"

His face relaxed and he straightened up, smiling brightly. "Ah, the sun has broken through...I can see the woods of Montsec below...and what's that? It's a Fokker triplane! Ha! I've got you this time, Red Baron!" He shook his hands a little and made a sound with his mouth that was supposed to be machine gun fire. "Augh! He's diving down out of the sun! He's tricked me again! I've got to run! Come on Sopwith Camel, let's go! Go, Camel, go! I can't shake him! He's riddling my plane with bullets!" He started twisting and turning his upper body, leaning to the side as though he were flying a plane and turning it, trying to get away. He made the machine gun fire sounds again and then continued, "Curse you, Red Baron! Curse you and your kind! Curse the evil that causes all this unhappiness!" He swallowed a little and then made a "putt putt putt" noise for a few seconds before letting it trail off into silence, imitating a plane engine sputtering.

"Here's the World War I flying ace back at the aerodrome in France, he is exhausted and yet he does not sleep, for one thought continues to burn in his mind...Someday, someday I'll get you, Red Baron!" He brought one hand up, clenching it into a fist and giving it a shake.

He cleared his throat a little and lowered his hand, waiting for the music to be cued up. He removed his sunglasses and took off the beanie, tossing both items aside. The scarf he left around his neck, and then he started to sing. Again, his voice was a little shaky when he started off, but then he started to get into the song and he actually started moving to the music, just a little bit of hip shaking and hand gestures, mimicking the actions described in the song to the best of his ability. He stammered at one point because he completely forgot the words but he recovered quickly and continued on with the song, although his face was bright red. He hadn't had any classical training in music but he carried a tune decently enough.

By the time that the song was over, he just felt intensely relieved and he bowed a little from the waist, thanking the director and producer for their time, and then gathered up his stuff and quickly fled off the stage.

who: desmond molloy, what: snoopy audition, verse: all

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