Escape Time! rp for spongetastic

Dec 14, 2009 15:12

Quebec knew that the time had come. With Topher upset and the threat of remote wipes being used on anyone at any time, the Doll was certain that there was no better time for his lover and him to escape. Echo had survived on the outside for three whole months, and while it was true that she was very special, Quebec liked to think that Kilo and he ( Read more... )

who: desmond molloy, person: peter petrelli - spongetastic, what: rp, verse: doll

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spongetastic December 14 2009, 20:23:02 UTC
Kilo stared up at the glass plate of his pod waiting anxiously for Quebec. He knew the other Doll would. They were going to leave here and go outside. It was very exciting and Kilo couldn't wait.

He heard someone coming and shut his eyes on instinct. But then he heard Quebec's voice, and he opened his eyes again. Silently he took the man's hand, shifting to easily pass through the glass as if it were water.

Kilo kept his hand in Quebec's. He seemed to remember that if he wanted, he could make sure no one would see them. They could leave here without any trouble at all.

"We should hurry," he said quietly.


notaballad December 14 2009, 20:38:08 UTC
Quebec smiled brightly as he helped Kilo out of his pod. He squeezed his lover's hand, relieved to see him and excited to know that they were going to be free.

He couldn't resist pulling Kilo against him and giving him a deep kiss that took his breath away. He wanted to do more, so much more, but Kilo was right. They did need to hurry.

"We don't have much time," he agreed, nodding as he reluctantly pulled back.

He led Kilo out of the bed chamber and then slowly moved down the hall. He hesitated a moment as they passed by the staircase leading to the treatment room. "Should we leave a message for Topher?"


spongetastic December 14 2009, 20:43:18 UTC
Feeling Quebec kiss him made Kilo's heart race and his breath catch in his throat. He swallowed, resting a hand on the man's chest and giving him a look that promised they would do more later. Then he was pulling away, following Quebec down the hall.

His eyes moved up to the treatment room as well. Topher was a good person. Topher was a good man and Kilo didn't want him to be sad. But... "If he doesn't know we left, he won't be in trouble," Kilo concluded.


notaballad December 14 2009, 21:23:17 UTC
Quebec worried for Topher, because the man had always been nice -- if a bit condescending sometimes -- to him. He considered Topher a friend and didn't want to see him sad, but Kilo had a point. "I don't want Topher to get in trouble," he said. "We'll just go."

He smiled at Kilo and then led his partner to the elevator. They were on the ground floor, and Quebec was hoping that the elevator car would be there waiting. He didn't want to run the risk of the elevator ding drawing attention. He took a deep breath and poked his head through the doors, and then grinned, tugging Kilo into the car with him.


spongetastic December 14 2009, 21:28:43 UTC
Kilo quietly followed after Quebec, his heart racing faster and faster. They were really going to do this... They were going to get out into the open air. He paused to look back for only a moment. He almost felt like he was forgetting something... But he had Quebec with him, and that was all that mattered.

He was leaving the Dollhouse behind, finally.


notaballad December 15 2009, 05:16:47 UTC
Quebec gripped Kilo's hand tightly and moved into the elevator. Deciding that they were probably safe and remembering that he snuck into the Dollhouse in the first place through the elevator, he punched the button for the garage level.

"We're almost free, Kilo," he whispered, pulling the other man close. "We'll need help. Money, new identities. My..." He trailed off, frowning a bit as he tried to recall something or, in this case, someone.

"Jude," he said finally. "Jude will help us. I know how to find him."


spongetastic December 15 2009, 12:25:07 UTC
"Jude," Kilo repeated, nuzzling his forehead against Quebec's. He knew that name from somewhere... "Jude is Desmond's brother," he said. No, wait, that wasn't right... "He's your brother," Kilo corrected.


notaballad December 15 2009, 14:59:05 UTC
Quebec nodded, his face lighting up. "He's my brother," he said, repeating the words again to get the feel of them in his mouth. They sounded right, and he repeated them once more, feeling a conviction deep inside him. "He's my twin!"

He smiled at Kilo, nuzzling him in return. "And you're Peter," he breathed softly, his lips brushing over Kilo's -- Peter's -- cheek. "I love you."

He would've done more if they hadn't been in the elevator, and luckily the doors slid open, preventing him from changing his mind.

"I know where he is," Quebec said, nodding firmly.


spongetastic December 15 2009, 20:22:32 UTC
Names were rolling around excitedly in the Doll's head. Peter. Yes, that was definitely his name. He remembered that.

"You're Desmond," he remembered. "Desmond Molloy... and I love you." And it didn't matter if he meant Kilo or Peter, because they both loved Desmond.

"Let's go," he nodded. "Let's go find Jude."


notaballad December 16 2009, 13:45:31 UTC
Quebec nodded excitedly. Desmond Molloy, yes, that was his name. He gave the other man a crooked grin and squeezed his hand.

They didn't have money for cab fare, but Quebec was able to charm an older woman into giving them a couple of bus tokens with his sad puppy eyes and a sniffling pout. He thanked the woman, impulsively hugging her, and then pulled Kilo onto the next bus.

He wasn't sure how he instinctively knew which bus to take, but he didn't question it. The bus stopped a couple of blocks from Jude's apartment, and Quebec led Kilo the rest of the way.

Nervousness bubbled up inside him as they headed upstairs, and then he knocked on a particular door.


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