Jul 09, 2010 17:22
I have no idea if parte is French for part, nor do I care. Suck it, Trebeck. (What a delightfully combative way to start my blog!)
Today began with my friend Tess coming from Belgium about an hour earlier than I expected due to a lack of traffic. So we got a bit of a headstart in exploring the city. We wandered around and saw just about every plaza in the whole city. I bought two things of postcards (yes they will come soon) and we realized that I had visited every single place on them.
We also walked halfway down into the valley where the Roman ruins are, but we saved those for tomorrow since the were going to close in an hour.
I've also discovered that pretty much everyone speaks English, but pretty much no one understands my accent. I also talk faster when flustered and not being understood flusters me. It's a vicious cycle I need to stop.
I also spend like 40 euros just eating and hydrating myself. So I don't think I'll spend any money for the next week. I'll just have to find a water fountain. Which I haven't so far. I don't think they believe in tap water.
Also, don't take this badly Luxembourg, but your native specials are really gross. I got the dumplings with bacon, because I eat both of those things. What I received was actually awkwardly gummy boiled/fried dough and boiled bacon fat.
But that's ok, because your carbonated iced tea is freaking delicious. I would like to comment which one of you brilliant Europeans came up with that. Because is like drinking magic.
And now I have to sign off because Tess wants to leave at 10:30. Although I am preeeetty sure I did something else. Eh. I'll write more tomorrow.