Sep 13, 2006 17:28
Today started with English. I need a biography/autobiography to read, 200 or more pages. Any suggestions?
Second hour is still much too full of slackers. They don't belong in an advanced choir. Their voices are fine, but they aren't serious about music. Grah.
My biology class has two IQ points. They pass them around at random. Marc never recieves any as he is a Bescha. Mr. Polanski said (to Marc), "I'm going to have to move you," to which I replied, "But then he'll be closer to me!"
There was then a general "Whuuuu?". Finally, one of the brighter ones said, "Oooh! You don't like him!" to which I responded, "Well, praises be to the lord!" to which there was a general "Whuuuuuu?".
And the freshman I had to work with for labs? I shall give you five good reasons why she should stop existing so close to me:
1) She uses the phrase, 'That's hot'.
2) She chews gum more loudly than my grandma.
3) She uses gay as an offencive term.
4) She has grown tired of her pink razor and needs a new, more exciting phone.
5) She's generally annoying.
Lunch was fun. I discovered man-language. As Josh and Robert talked they tended to mirror eachother's gestures. When one crossed his arms, so did the other, when one did that 'hand on my chin' thing, so did the other. I told Jan, Mandi, and OhComeOnIKnowHerName, so we spent the lunch hour giggling at them. It confused them. Hehe. I also came to the conclusion that Josh is constantly campaining.
Devon loaned me Chicago in Algebra. YAY! ^^
Went to Drama club, it hasn't changed.
I had music lessons with my new teacher, Marci. Nota must enunciate.
That is all.