Title: Crack in the Teacup
nota_faerietaleCharacters: Holmes and Moriarty
Word Count: 2667
Series: Training the Pet
Rating: Adult for drug use and force
Warnings: Drug use, slash, sexual explicitness
Summary: Moriarty finds that his little game is progressing nicely.
Crack in the Teacup )
LAWS OF LEARNING - Behavior has consequences.
#1 Behavior that is rewarded is most likely to be repeated.
#2 Behavior that is not rewarded is most likely to extinguish.
#3 The “Gambler’s Syndrome”: Once a behavior is established winning only some of the time, makes the behavior stronger. Why else would so many people play the slot machines? A random pattern of reinforcement (getting a reward only some of the time) creates a mild stress that makes the behavior stronger. In terms of dog training, this last law should rarely be used. You will get more reliable behavior with a constant reinforcement. Also, real life will put all behaviors on random reinforcement. You will call the dog, it will come, and you might forget to praise. It happens. It’s OK occasionally.
Note: Occasionally you may have a well established behavior you want to make go away. To do this you must eliminate the reinforcement (reward) for that behavior. We call this extinction. Once you start down the path of extinction it is essential that the behavior does not get reinforced again, not even once. If it does, then instead of extinguishing, it will get stronger. This is called a Variable Schedule of Reinforcement (VSR).
So... I understand Moriarty - training the pet is so exciting))))
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