Walk home

May 14, 2005 09:55

(OOC: I know the dinner isn't over yet, but it won't be for a while. >:D Hence, I'm manipulating time like a naughty little bint.)

Well, that was different.

I can't say it was a bad evening. I enjoyed the food, certainly, and Sophie and UV made for decent company, if just a touch insipid. I managed to avoid clocking their heads together, and we all had a good time.

Fun being the only person in the bloody castle who actually knows what it means to be a life-sucking card-carrying member of the Devil's Army, but HEY. All's fair in love and war. Or something.

...maybe I had a bit too much wine.

At any rate, I'm being a little unkind. Sophie was a delightful hostess; her performance on the instruments was GLORIOUS, and UV was sweet if a little too quiet for my taste. We didn't agree on anything vampire-related; but then, I suspect we never will. I just really, really hope I never have to kill her.

I refuse Sophie's offer to call me a cab on the way home. I'd much prefer to walk; fresh air to clear my head, some time to stretch my limbs. The castle isn't too far from Gustav's house, anyway. I switch off my heels for some comfortable tennis shoes from my purse, and off we go. Beautiful evening. Really. Just a touch of breeze, only a hint of chill, a full moon and only one guy has the nerve to follow me down the street.

So who's THIS loser?

I've never been one for surprises - unless I'm the one giving them - so instead of waiting for him to make up his mind to do whatever he's going to do, I stop, turn, and wait for him.

Puzzled (and probably drunk), he stops, too; then continues approaching me. Brave little fellow, after all.

"May I help you?" I ask him in my coolest, crispest tones. The breeze shifts my silk poncho a bit; just in case, I slip a hand into my purse.

"You're so beautiful," says the guy, maybe a little predictably, definitely a little drunkenly. As he approaches, his eyes gleam in the moonlight. Weirdly. Flatly. Like he's a corpse. And lookit that, his fangs are even shinier.


"Back off, buddy," I warn him, pulling out the only sharp object I have with my: my stiletto.

"RrrrAAAAR!" he says in reply - or something close to it - and charges at me.

Even after all these years, it amazes me how quickly my own instincts come into play before my brain has a chance to kick into gear. No way I'll be able to nail him accurately with this shoe while he's moving; have to get him still first, so in order to do that, I let him come. Then I lift my hand - the one with the cross-ring, cross turned to my palm - and cup his face like a welcoming lover.

The thing shrieks like a castrated demon and stumbles back, his cheek on fire. Immediately, I toss my vials of holy water - one, two, better save the third for later - at his feet, which makes him grab his legs and fall right over to the ground.

My turn to be feral.

Lunge. Pin. Shoe up. Shoe down.

This guy isn't very strong. His chest cavity offers no resistance to the heel of my shoe, and he dusts before I even have to worry about a second hit. Fortunately. Because people are coming, concerned, due to all the noise the little freak was making. Shoe BACK in purse. Look worried. Yup, I nearly got robbed, THAT'S what happened, suuuure. The guy ran off, THAT way, oh THANK you concerned-citizens for being SO kind!

...gods. By the time I get out of THAT, nearly an hour has passed. I've had time to think; to compare, and to analyze.

If THAT was one of Lucard's demons, I'll eat my shoes. All four of them. It was way, WAY too easy.

Bleh. I know he doesn't like competition; so what does this mean, I'll be in the middle of a turf war when he gets back? Wonnnnderful.

I consider going back to the castle to tell Sophie; to warn her, maybe, or just to pass the news on. But then I change my mind. I can tell her when I next see her, and my news - and my actions - would just upset her anyway. I'm not in the mood for further instruction on my evil choices of punishing evil when there is no good and evil.

Be kind, Carolyn. She needs it.

I'm nearly out of holy water, I have no REAL stakes, and I have vampire schmutz all over one of my favorite shoes. Bleh. That's it. I'm going home.
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