blah blah blah - off to the woods - ww - buffy sadness - reading

May 25, 2007 12:33

so my number one biggest fear about moving home was that i would gain a ton of weight. Especially since my last 2 years in boston i had joined weight watchers and lost a ton of weight. being around my family is not conducive to weight loss. or even weight maintenance. aside from the added stress of being near my darling family, there is the fact that while in boston i walked freakin everywhere, here we have to drive everywhere, and also the fact that this house is constantly filled with junk food, and frozen custard, the food of the devil...for those of you who have never been to this part of the county, frozen custard is like ice cream only 10 times yummier and creamier and about 30 times more full of fat.

today i went and joined the local weight watchers, and confirmed what my clothes had already told me. I have gained over 20 pounds since moving back to the land of dairy, beer, and brats (k i'm a mostly vegetarian so i don't eat the brats, and i hate beer, but omg dairy is my downfall, cheese and frozen custard i love you).

i want to crawl in my bed and die.

however that won't help me lose weight. so i guess it would be a bad option.


So this weekend i am being dragged to the woods where there is no wireless, no dsl, no land lines, no cell phones even.... OMG THE HORROR!!! Three nights with my family. In the woods!!

At least we aren't tent camping this time. We will be in cabins. Cabins with electricity. There is no my laptop travels, and s2 arrived yesterday. goal every day will be to chase the children around until they pass out and then the men can sit by the fire and drink and my sisters and i can sit inside and watch hot gay sex queer as folk at night.


i'm never having children...i just wanted to put that out there.


The worst part of this weekend....*sniffles, then openly weeps*....i will have to wait till monday night to read the porn the incredible works of fiction for the latest bj_action theme.

oh wait there are two worst parts...Once More with Feeling is playing for 3 nights. 3 NIGHTS!!!! this weekend. and i am going to be gone for all of them. Midnight Buffy Sing-a-longs rule...and i am going to be in the fucking woods listening to crickets. So please if you are near milwaukee, i'm truly sorry for you, but if you are, go, have fun, and don't tell me because i hate you right now.

life is sooooo unfair.


Now i must go finish vamphile's Brother's Keeper before i have to leave because i'm on like chapter 35 and i will die if i don't finish before i leave. even though i have read it before. it is just that good. I might need to save the rest of the series to disc before i go too. because i think it's supposed to rain, and i will be in the woods, and the kids aren't mine, so really, why shouldn't i plop my butt in the corner of the cabin and read fabulous vamphile!fic?

ww, rl, i'm freaking going to miss omwf dammit, recs, the woods

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