(no subject)

May 16, 2006 20:59

SO I know that I dropped off the face of the internet for awhile... I've been pretty down about everything, particularly the fact that I'm not even making enough money to pay my bills. It seems that things are looking up though. I have two employers that are interested in me and with any luck I will be securly in a new job by the first of June. Both places are in Lansing because I have decided to move back home... or at least closer to home, I'll be moving in with my cousin, setting up shop in her basement, which is mutually beneficial! I'm actually really happy about the move, I'm looking forward to it, it's time. My sister and I went job searching together yesterday (together, but not together since we were obviously not looking for the same kind of jobs) and i had a really good time with her. My family might be speical ed, but I still love them and it will be nice to be close to home... I can go to dinner at my dad's on Sunday's and out with Mom and Ralph on Fridays.... it'll be nice to be there for my sister and my new step-siblings and my precious nieces!

I also found out today that it is possible for me to get affordable car insurance, even though I've been somewhat of an accident magnet lately! Let's knock on wood that that curse has lifted!

SO today has really been the first good day.
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