(no subject)

Apr 24, 2006 10:06

I have two things to say right now, almost two different posts, but they will be here in on.

First of all for all my girls. GUYS ARE NOT WORTH IT! I mean, there are great guys out there, but the ones who think you need to change for them are not worth even a moment of your time. If you are my friend that means that I think that you are a pretty great person, it also means that you don't have to settle for shit. I've learned from personal experience that it's better to be by yourself that to be with someone who is going to A. make you less of a person, B. make you think that you are less of a person or C. make you unhappy in any way at all. Ladies, we can do bad by ourselves, why do we think that we need a man to help us out?

I also need a disclaimer to say that the experiences listed above have not been part of my many disappointments this week... it is better to be disappointed by a really fantastic guy or an asshole? I guess in my case it's cool either way because I know that I still have a really great friend.

The other thing that I want to talk about today before I start getting down to business is just how I'm feeling right now. I had a pretty horrible week last week, it was just disappointment after disappointment, and they were all things that I had felt really good about, the job thing, the house thing, the other thing. Last night I was really down about it all, but today I seem to feel a lot better about things, like it's a new week with new possibilities. I don't know where this new sense of optisim is coming from, but I'll take it. I need this little boost to get through the rest of this week!To get all my shit done, I'll be completely done with school by Thursday night, just four days.... I'm a bit nervous, but very excited at the same time, I just need to DO IT.

With that I"m going to go do it. Start the revisions for my nonfiction portfolio... yes ladies and gentlemen I said start. And it actually isn't scaring me.
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