Jan 26, 2011 19:36
Characters: Mordin Solus and everyone
Location: Back of the Library
Time: Evening
Style: Any
Status: Open
He had chosen a back corner of the Library for privacy, and for the first time all day heads had finally stopped popping out to catch a look at The old Salarian. The night had been spent traveling through the city streets and alleys, forming a map. The area had clearly been a residential one, to many civillians and shops to be anything else. Not enough military though. If this were an alliance city there would be military, this would have to be a military research facility to warrant the location. he remembered a Library though. a Library could tell him dates. Locations. Persons. Everything.)
Mordin slipped into the library unnoticed late in the evening, (concerned his appearance might cause a disturbance in a city filled with humans, or human variants) and went strait to the shelves. The towns history was the first to be read along with the most current medical journals. History books suggested no knowledge of the alliance, or its existence. The more he read the more he became convinced he was in unknown territory. The inhabitants seemed friendly. The area safe. The device, he know to to be an SFC, possessed the contact information of countless others. Others seemed aware of his presence, and field work always earned him more than careful study
(Mordin activates the SFC and sets it to video mode. an image of the Scientist appears for everyone to see among piles of opened books )
"Hello. Mordin Solus. Doctor. Scientist. Resent arrival. Just finished research in Library. City history. Fascinating. Looking for additional information. Escape preferable. Urgent work needs attending. If escape imposable, residence needed. Place to sleep. Eat. Work. Willing to lend skills in exchange for bed."
"Also curious. Communicator lacks obvious power source. Schematics available?"
mordin solus