The strengths in your character will bring you serenity.

Nov 27, 2009 21:05

Those were the wise words I unveiled in my fortune cookie tonight after eating my delicious beef and broccoli for dinner. I've always been somewhat suspicious of fortune cookies and wondered if you're supposed to eat the cookie part in order to have your fortune "come true". A part of me wonders if it is bad luck and the opposite will happen if you don't actually eat the cookie portion. I guess it's a good thing I don't invest in the suggested lottery numbers on the back. I hardly ever eat the actual cookie. For me all the joy comes from the fortune.

How would you even begin to determine the strengths of ones character? Strengths are all a matter of personal perception and what one sees as strength another sees as weakness. Things some people enjoy about themselves others find distasteful. Are there any characteristics that humans possess that one would always deem to be strong and admirable? Also if one possesses these characteristics how do we know that they are not expressed with ill intention. Do people do kind things for others because they want to? Do they do it because they want to look good in the eyes of others and enjoy being complimented for being so kind? Do you do things for friends because you truly want to or do you feel it is more of an obligation and that you will be viewed as a bad friend if you don't? I believe people do things based on how it reflects upon their character. Some do things to appear kind and friendly and others do things to appear evil and apathetic. It is all dependent on how you want others to view you. We always have the ability to decide whether or not we want to do something.

The strengths in your character will bring you serenity.

Is that based on ones personal opinion of their character or is it the opinion one believes everyone has about them that brings serenity?
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