Nov 21, 2005 11:20
Not having health insurance sucks incredibly. I'm scared that there is something really wrong with me and there isn't anything I can do about it. Everytime I eat something I get a bad stomach ache and feel like I need to puke and I've had headaches almost non-stop for the last five days, everytime I go from sitting down to standing up it feels like all the blood is rushing to my head and I can feel my brain pulsating or something. And being someone who has only had probably 3 headaches in her life prior to this, it's scary. And it's weird cuz it's like these feelings are always there, but sometimes I can ignore them. They don't affect my mood or anything (most of the time) but I just feel sick. I don't think it's the flu since I have energy and everything else is fine. Just a headache joined with a stomach ache everytime I eat for the last 5 days. Any ideas as to what could be going on or how I can get myself checked out?