Mar 17, 2009 16:23
Life at work has been crazy busy. So I am happy that this week is much calmer than the previous few weeks.
This campaign, these hearings.
this travel.
it is a lot.
I went to sins a two weekends ago and have been running ever since. it is nice to get a little bit of a break.... much needed and deserved.
i might even leave early today. Sinsation in Leather was a really great event got to play with a new boy got to see some great stuff and it was overall very fun and impactful.
great classes, great people, great everything... yup awesome...
i went to the chiropractor this morning and my back feels really amazing today. it made some pretty huge popping noises.
and there were two cute young educated guys touching me and asking me about my problems- that was a situation I definitely enjoyed immensely.
my family was here over the weekend- we ate- we talked about meaningless things- they are prepping to move- which is so totally crazy.
why at retirement age would you want to live with a psycho i do not know... but it their choice.
it just leaves me feeling like the complete and total outsider. but that is nothing new. that is what, my dear, therapy is for.
for me to complain about things that are really just the way that they are.... they just are.
oh well.