bittersweet o rmaybe just bitter

Nov 06, 2008 11:31

Hello All in the electronic world:
While I am super excited about the trifecta we are witnessing here in WI and the one in DC- it is still a gamble that a democratically controlled government both within the state and federally will make the type of progress we need to see in this country.  Dem Gov, assembly and senate does not necessarily mean affordable healthcare for all WI residents, nor does it mean a state wide smoke-free law, nor increased funding for higher education.
Dem president, house, and senate doesn't mean we will end this fucking war any sooner, address healthcare, campaign reforms, repeal of don't ask don't tell, or any of the other promises.
What I do know as a trans man in this world of democratic control is that I feel safer with dems in control than republicans. will they actually advance civil rights? health care? will they stop a war?? time will tell.

This election, while it is so meaningful to have a Black Man as President-- let us not believe that race relations have improved over night. I find it funny that race was not really addressed very thoroughly throughout the campaign until he won or when we were talking about his religious leader. I would hate to think that all the black folks, folks from the diaspora, are getting their piecemeal reparations for decades on injustice. On the post election day coverage- people were saying how race relations  have improved, how we have moved past a country with a history of slavery. What they dont realize it that people are enslaved still in this nation- they just don't look like Barack Obama and they aren't Harvard educated.

The other bitter sweet piece of this election is Californians narrowly voted to TAKE AWAY the rights of people. So while there is some level of piecemeal justice for Black folks-  LGBTQ folks- Black or otherwise are having the electorate take our rights away left and right. Arkansas voted to ban adoption and fostering to single people, a law specifically designed to ban same sex couples from taking good care of children who need a home- ANY home. Arizona passed their discriminatory amendment- despite it being voted down in 04. Florida also passed a ban on gay marriage. Appalling! 
Black Queers- the message really is- you have made progress for race but your sexuality still offends me. What a bittersweet message.

I am disappointed.

Let's be clear right wing crazy conservative fucking straight people- you are the ones fucking up the institution of marriage- and truthfully I really don't give a shit about getting married. I am not and probably never will be interested in marriage- simply because this bankrupt phony institution is the finest example where religious beliefs are becoming public policy!!!
The legal issue - surrounds rights- don't say you are protecting your religion when there are purse string attached to it!!! no law would require any church to conduct a same sex marriage- whatever happened to religious freedom and separation of church and state.
If marriage had no benefits attached to it-- would we be fighting over it still? I DOUBT IT. You don't care if marriage is between one man and one woman- you care if your beliefs force other people not to have the same rights and benefits currently afforded to you.
Fuck off religious conservatives!!


Keep YOUR GOD out of my RIGHTS!

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