Room 305, Friday Evening

Aug 27, 2011 09:47

Most of Calvin's stuff had been sent on ahead at his parents' request, it was almost like they didn't trust him, but he still had a few things left to pack. The important things, like Hobbes. Who kept unpacking everything else.

"C'mon, buddy, I need those."

Hobbes lounged on top of the shirts Calvin was trying to pack. "We don't really need to go. People will believe us if we say you flunked and didn't really graduate."

"Who wants to stay in high school forever? Besides we have a whole new adventure before us, college." Mostly because Susie had threatened never to speak to him again if he didn't at least apply. Calvin suspected she was surprised he actually got in though.

[Calvin's last post in before he leaves for alumni-land, woe.]

leaving on a jet plane, room 305, hobbes

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