(no subject)

May 09, 2008 10:47

Ironhide was doing his best not to drive the Autobase humans up the wall. He really was. Not being able to get outisde in 'bot form as often as he wanted was making his already-bad temper even worse, and he knew it, but he kept telling himself that it wasn't their fault. Lennox, Epps, Figueroa, Manners and the others didn't need to get growled at any more than the usual- Oh, slag, who was he kidding. Somebody needed a pounding, and there wasn't anybody to take it out on. Ironhide could only run through so many sims and games before they got old. If he didn't find a distraction soon, something was gonna burst into flames.

With an irritated whistle, he opened up a datastream connection to one of the cable television feeds. Maybe there was a wrestling match or a movie worth watching. Once the commercials got out of the way, anyway.

Although, speaking of commercials...

"We got a problem."
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