was going to wait till tomorrow...

Jul 20, 2006 15:04

...but it's so damned slow and boring at work right now!

Got to wondering about this the other day and I'm trying to get a sense of a sort of average to put in perspective to my own experience. Ultimately I have no idea what difference it will make but I still would like to know...

...if you're amenable:
  • What's the shortest amount of time you've known someone before you had sex with them?
  • What's the longest amount of time you've known someone before you had sex with them?
  • My shortest was somewhere between 5 & 10 minutes. She kinda pounced me at BAGG and I'm really not one to argue under those circumstances.
  • My longest was roundabout 5 years. The lady in question had actually been introduced to me by another lady friend for sex and was all for it but that same night she met a friend of mine. As luck would have it, she'd had a crush on him forever so I introduced them anyway. They had a long and very chaotic relationship and after they parted company...you get the idea.
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