Nov 24, 2007 22:30
This has been a week so far of catching up on little things. Battery for the iPod, battery for the digital camera, diagnosing another problem with same and arranging service, getting the last list of items to be done for the computer before sending it to Oregon to my mother....all the little technological stuff that's been piling up lately. If I can't get the big stuff done, I'll do the little stuff. At least something will show a little forward progress.
On a light note, I was talking to Mama on Thanksgiving and mentioned I'd removed the Sims from the computer she's getting. I asked her if she'd like me to put them back on (easy while I still have it), and she expressed interest in creating houses. My mother who will be 88 next week is A) cranky because her computer is acting up and she no longer has immediate access to email, Scrabble and MahJong and B) wanting to play a new computer game that she saw me play in the Spring, just because she thought it looked interesting. Did I mention I love my mother? I will be re-installing the Sims on her computer with the same configuration I have so that we can trade houses back and forth. It's a good thing she's getting DSL for Christmas. :-)