OOC: In which Bill must regretfully drop from the RP

Feb 19, 2012 01:05

First I have to apologize a thousand times. I love this RP and the people in it a lot (the most), but I've gotten to the point where I have to force myself to do anything with Bill. I like playing with him but now with a bunch of other things vying for my attention, along with my constant fretting over losing the voice of a fictional character I practically created from a dozen lines, I don't quite know to kick myself into gear.

I want to thank the absolutely brilliant RP cast I had. No seriously, I love each and every one of you. You guys made my time with you so fun and every moment was a joy, whether we were RPing or just faffing around. I'm sorry for failing so hard at the end and can only hope that you'll forgive me one day. You know where to find me so please don't be a stranger. And I'll find a way to visit you lot one day. One day. :|b

I also want to thank
falling_voices because, obviously, without her none of this would've come to happen. Thanks for letting me use your story as a personal playground for Bill (and Millie!) to grow.

And last, but DEFINITELY not least, I want to thank the people who read this journal and got some measure of joy from it. It was great fun to play and I can only hope that some bits made you smile. Thanks for chiming in every now and again and not lambasting me for my shit British accent (aka my utter lack of one).

I'm opening up my headcanon post to the public so you lot can see how Bill was made. It was last updated in July, so some stuff has changed but I won't update it for now. If I ever get the motivation to pick him up as a solid character again, I'll be doing that first. I'll still be online and probably will be up for RPing stupid things if anyone wants to hit me up. Just comment on here or I'm available on gchat. Yes, I've finally gotten over that stupid fear of being seen signed on, or at least for that email account. So feel free to come talk to me!

TL;DR I fucking love you all with all of my heart but I've gotten to the point that I'd be more a deadweight than anything for this game. :(

This entry was originally posted at http://not-thatbill.dreamwidth.org/19536.html. Please comment there using OpenID.


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