Oct 03, 2009 22:34
[Brought to you by DDD-privacy-invasion LIVE!, have a recording that appears to be coming directly from Lyle's mobile, if the way that you can only hear half of the conversation is anything to go by. Also, sadly for you, dear listener, it seems like you've managed to connect only half-way through the conversation.]
... so there's nothing new as far as I can get on this en --
[pause. when Lyle speaks again, he sounds ever so slightly nettled, although that perpetual teasing tone is still there in his voice.]
Look, we've talked about this. I know you're just dying to get me out there, but I don't have the first idea how to work one of those bloody things, let alone do whatever it is you want me to do with them. And I can't just take myself off and vanish for weeks on end either.
... I'll think about it, okay?
[and with that, the recording cuts off.]
my friend the revolutionary,
secret agent man,
*game: ddd,
lol kataron what kataron,
not apprehensive at all,
cryptic lyle is cryptic