* Tucker enters in full armor, along with Junior, and... a cow. "...kay, coast's clear, no one saw us, can't prove anything - oh hey guys."
* Bastet blinks
Why do you have a cow?
Least it isn't a duck.
* DrGrey stares at it for a few moments. "You... " He growls. "Damn you." Falling asleep in Sanctuary is /never/ a good idea. Apparently he hasn't learned his lesson.
* Grif stops short as he hears what the Thing said, and pinches the bridge of his nose slightly... which becomes a full on facepalm as Tucker and his half-alien abomination show up.
"Don't let the CeilingFish get it," Shel offers as advice.
* Tucker looks over. "I'm tryin' to wean Junior." Junior, a tiny aqua-colored alien blrag
"Oh, god, don't talk about the CeilingFish." Aughad queasy face.
*he Blargs.*
* Shel_Carter eyes Junior. "Wean him from WHAT?"
*The cow moos. Twice. Why? Because it has TWO HEADS.*
"Tucker? What. The fuck."
* Bastet ..is kinda staring at the cow.
..Where in the gods' names did you /get that/?
That's... Now I've seen everything.
* Shel_Carter flimberts.
I think.
* Tucker waves hi at Shel, and answers the question, "There was a bunch of them, just milling around in the open. Didn't see anyone's name on them..."
And you decided to have a cow.
"Great. You're a two-headed Nexus cattle rustler, then."
* Georik snickers.
* DrGrey scoots away from the Thing, glaring at it. Creepy little monstrosity.
This ain't rustling! This is, is... *Help him out, guys.*
"Partaking of the wealth of the Nexus?" Shel offers.
Or ... borrowing.
* @Some scoots up to stay beside him.
"I don't think anyone's gonna want what your spawn leaves behind returned to them."
They probably do belong to someone.
..What do you plan to do with the two-headed Nexus Cow?
Then everybody wins!
. . .
.../Why/ are you doing that? *He snaps at it* Surely I have nothing more to give you, so go /away/. *He tries to shove it off the couch*
* Tucker shrugs. "Maybe take it to the market, bet a good deal on some beans..."
...Sadly, I can see that plan actually working.
"The scary thing is that with the Nexus, that might actually-- yeah."
*Junior goes "HONK!" Check out those teeth. Those are exsanguinating teeth there. Ain't he disg^1^1 cute?
* Bastet ...just quietly facepalms
* Shel_Carter is finding Junior and the cow fascinating. Shel also finds the CeilingFish and the Thing
fascinating, though, so that might not be a good sign there.
* @Some falls off the couch obligingly, and lies at his feet.
"So this isn't actually your kid's dinner-to-be or something?"
* DrGrey tries to shove it away with his feet then. GO AWAY B|.
What... is that?
But really, a cow's good and juicy, everything a growing kid needs! *The cow lifts its tail in a way that suggests it's going to leave a few deposits in the near future.*
* Georik makes a face,
. . .
* @Some thing grabs his anklee.
"Could you... possibly... just tie it to something outside for now?"
* Grif leaves it to Tucker to decide whether he means the cow or Junior.
Stop that! *He stands up and tries wrench his ankles out out of the Thing's grasp*
Yeah, yeah. C'mon, Bessie. And Bessie... *He leads the Brahmin away to a convenient sideroom/thing.
Jr stares at all of you. STARRRES. Then follows.*
<@Some> "But Doctor! We LOVE you!"
* DrGrey glares down at it. "I'm sure. I'm nothing but a food source to you." A pause. "Besides that, you did
say you intended to kill me. Eventually." He watches it.
*BTW, Bessie left a small gift, in case anbody's getting up to walk around. FYI.*
oh /god/.
* Bastet covers her mouth and nose. DX
Poor cow.
...that is one thing I did miss from the country.
"TUCKER!" He puts his helmet on and seals the environment.
<@Some> "But not until we've loved you long time." Eyebrow waggle.
* Tucker calls back, "CAN'T HEAR YOU!"
* Shel_Carter also covers her mouth and nose, blanching a little. Nobody ever told her cows smelt like that! D:
* DrGrey is too busy being insulted by a Thing to bother with that odd smell. He growls and tries to step on
the Thing's hand. Which... ends him up in the arena. Poof. He meant to do that. Well... at least he's free?
<@Some> B|
* DrGrey comes back from the arena. B| right back at you Thing.
* Kilik[teen] waves his hand. "I think I should head out, good night."
* Kilik[teen] ducks out.
* Shel_Carter waves good-bye with her spare hand.
* Bastet keeps her mouth covered, glancing yardwards.
* Tucker and Junior return. A distant mooing suggest Bessie^2 is secure. "Man, what's that smell?"
* YumeThingee is now known as Rassilon
* Rassilon ambles back in, looking bored. His mun's giving it another go.
* DrGrey looks irritated. What else is new?
*...and he stops. ghhhh....*
"Your cow left something behind before you moved it. Closet's over there, start cleaning." He points to where the supplies are
What cow?
There was a /cow/ in here?
Good evening. *He seems to be putting up with the smell, but he seems to be a weeee bit tipsy. And for those sensitive to magic and such, he has a democky aura.
* Bastet is now known as Bastet|Yard
* Bastet|Yard heads Yardwards. Good god.
Don't worry, it's not the vampire cow.
... /vampire/ cow?
I leave for a few hours and this place falls apart!
* Tucker rolls his eyes. You'd see it if he wasn't wearing his helmet. "Yes, /mom/"
Oh, it's from quite a while ago.
* DrGrey scowls at Tucker. You'd /better/ clean that up B|
* Georik waves it off.
So how are you?
... *facepalms* At least it wasn't a werecow.
Nauseous, thank you for asking.
* Georik snickers into his bottle, and yes, he is drinking from a bottle, not a glass.
* Tucker wanders over to the closet, muttering, "...a little nature's byproducts and everone acts like you ran over their dog..."
* DrGrey might be joining you soon, Georik. Sigh.
(( Augh, brb
I hope you're not planning on that timey-wimey whatever it is you do with people's heads.
*The cow faintly moos offscreen, giving no idication of bloodlust.*
* Phoenix_Wright comes in from the siderooms. "...did I just hear a cow?"
* Phoenix_Wright blinks. "Georik! Geez, how long has it been?"
*Junior blargs from knee-height.*
And it's not the blood-drinker. *is leaning against the bar, he looks pretty pale, and drinking from the bottle* Uh... month, two months... could never keep time in that cellar.
* Jess_Byrd stumbles out of a side room. Then right for the bar. She's humming very happily though. Then GRINS at Rassilon. "Hi. That tea? Is awesome." :D
You hope I'm not planning what?
* Jess_Byrd shall get beer now.
* Rassilon didn't hear you, Jess. He's busy staring at the drunkard.*
what you - nevermind, forgot what I was thinking about.
* Phoenix_Wright shifts a bit uncomfortably. Oh, right, THOSE experiments. Um.
*Junior is small, greenish blue, has a split lower jaw and /is/ a blood drinker. Meanwhile, Tucker comes back with a brush and shovel.*
* Phoenix_Wright has a cast over his right wrist.
had a lot to think about, none of it good. *sigh* ...Phoenix, what happened?
* @Some reaches to poke Grey and is suddenly gone. There's a clatter in the arena.
Ah? Oh, er, run-in with someone I couldn't resist poking a bit.
Uh-huh, who is it?
You wouldn't know him, I think. Hell, *I* didn't until a month and a half ago.
(( Back ))
"Oj my goodness!" Jess thinks Junior is cte. She's weird. "Isn't /he/ cute." :3
'The timey-wimey whatever it is I do with peoples' heads?' How much have you been drinking, anyway?
...about... a third perhaps.
[Ho boy. Drunk Georik. This is always interesting.]
"Blarg!" Says Junior. People are paing attention to him. This is a Good Thing.
trust me, I need it. You would if you dealt with a certain heterochromatic snake.
"For a certain definition of cute, maybe."
* Phoenix_Wright purses his lips a bit. He looks over at Junior. "Um, what the hell IS that thing, anyway?"
* DrGrey seems amused that the Thing arena'd itself now.
and let me guess, mysterious new stranger, with an inexpliciably hatred for you?
* Georik does in fact use the wrong word there.
*Junior looks up with his hideous alien visage. How can you not wub a little face like that?*
H...huh? How'd you know that?
seems to be a pattern with you.
Oh. Great.
* Grif tries not to laugh. Sorry, Phoenix.
* Rassilon gives up. As long as the fool doesn't utter any /more/ drunken idiocy, he'll just leave the matter alone.*
* Jess_Byrd nearly bounces! She's happy with life so kids are no longer creepy. "Ohh. I bet your Mother is so proud of you!" :D
Well, I got lucky is all I can say. Things could've been a lot worse than a broken wrist.
Let me see.
* Phoenix_Wright shows it. "Used to be a broken finger too until Caleb of all people magicked it."
* Georik reaches a hand out, it's surpriseningly steady despite his drink*
...Caleb? Magic? *he started to crack up*
* Grif does, however, laugh at what Jess said. "We can ask. Tucker, are you proud of your little aberration?"
* Phoenix_Wright grins. "I think it was the time weirdness."
Dear, I miss quite a bit.
* Tucker scoops up the offending droppings and takes them over to a random portal, tossing them through, scoop and all. Hey, it's no one /he/ knows on the other side.
* Apollo pins in, still dressed in his school uniform, his hair sticking up in front. He's all of fourteen, and he's got a couple schoolbooks in his arms. He yawns, waves at the people, and then heads into the kitchen for a soooda.
Not necessarily a bad thing.
* Phoenix_Wright waves to Apollo a bit.
* Jess_Byrd blinks then busts out /giggling/. "He...gave birth...?"
Hard to say, if it keeps that cur at bay, I'll be gla...say-?
That's impossible, anatomically impossible.
Yeah, that's what everyone else said.
* Georik point to tucker.
* Shel_Carter looks at Junior. Looks at Tucker. "I'd believe it, actually."
"Was it a Nexus pregnancy?"
Please tell me it was a Nexus pregnancy.
Junior looks up at Shel. "Bow-chicka-honk-honk!"
* DrGrey frowns at them. What's this about impossible pregnancies?
* Grif facepalms.
* Phoenix_Wright ...sporfles, now. What the hell. Just... what the hell.
Should I quit drinking for the night, or continue.
I don't know, I'm tempted to join you.
* Georik twirls the bottle in his hand, swishing the contents
* Apollo gives everyone a rather traumatized look. He... doesn't need to know about pregnancies, thanks. D:
Take a glass.
"Oh, yeah, that's a definite relation."
* Phoenix_Wright thinks Apollo looks traumatized half the time anyway.
* Rassilon snorts.
* Phoenix_Wright takes one and helps himself a bit. "So, um, you're still dealing with Bruno, I gather?"
* Tucker goes over to the bar, taking his helmet. Enough of this crap, it's time for a drink!
But.. I have it, that thing that get his lecherous, scheming little hands manacled.
* Apollo ... well, yes, is traumatized half the time. XD
! You do? Finally!
"The Nexus...has made life so much less complicated for me."
* Apollo heads back into the room with his soda and books, sitting down on one of the couches, not sure if he wants in on the conversation...
Man, I wish I could be there to see the look on his face when you present that.
* Bastet|Yard is now known as Bastet
...... *PINs out.*
* Bastet returns from the yard after a few moments.
* DrGrey is now known as Darksong
* Shel_Carter goes over to the bar, too. She hasn't had anything yet tonight, maybe she's interesting in what Tucker's having.
* Georik nods. "Oh how I wish, with what he did. Too bad it turns out skewering him is not an option."
* Grif would've phrased that differently if he were you, Shel.
...er, I don't think I'd wanna be there if you skewered him.
* Rassilon is a bit B|. Uppity human. He finds sofaspace and sits. Sigh.*
I tried. He just pulled it.
((*pulled it out)).
* Phoenix_Wright turns a bit pale. "Oh right, that whole immortality crap."
* Bastet ..blinks o_o;
[Well, at least I wasn't hungry to begin with.]
* Jess_Byrd is going to wave cheerily at Junior. And make goofy baby faces. Because...baby.
* Georik plays with his long hair, flipping a few locks away with his gloved fingertips. "And the bastard challenged me to chess earlier."
*The opening drink of the evening is... something called Coor's. Well, gotta start somewhere. He twists a couple of bottles open. No cap is any match for powered-armor gloves!*
[You know, I never got a chance to play Edgeworth at chess... though he'd probably win ANYWAY.]
Yes, apparently trying to prove his superiority. He abuses the queen, and considers Knights to be only of sacrifice.
"Sir. Your child is /adorable/." :D
...yeah, that sounds about right.
* Phoenix_Wright peers over at Apollo. Man, the kid always looks a little left out.
"Does the little bugger have a name?"
Father was right, you see how a man is by how he plays.
* Tucker grins. "He's a chip of the old block, all right!" A beer is offered to Shel. :D?
* Shel_Carter takes beer. Yay, beer! :D
[Sort of like Mr. Enigmar...]
* Apollo glances at Phoenix, blinking.
first time I saw someone fondle their pieces.
04 04,00Mr. Wright, you okay..?
...oh good God.
* Apollo blushes and tries to hide behind his books.
* Phoenix_Wright blinks. "Ah, I'm fine, Apollo. You just looked a little lonely."
* Georik is too drunk to realize exactly what he said.
* Apollo shrugs slightly, grinning. "I'm fine, sir!"
"His name's Junior." Shrug. "I'm not good with names, but he seemed to like it."
[Just as long as he only gets to second base with them.]
* Grif realizes. "I don't want to know nothin' 'bout anyone fondling their pieces, thanks."
((XD hahahahah))
Huh. Ah, Georik... that's Apollo, by the way, my alternate's apprentice.
* Jess_Byrd snickers. Then goes over to say Hi to Rass. "Hey ther." :D
Oh, Good Evening. Georik Zaberisk, *He bows his head*
With all this talk of pieces, "Hey, I've got a..."
* Rassilon is in the middle of a spectacular meh.* Hullo.
* Apollo waves to Georik, wondering if he should get to his feet and shake hands. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Zaberisk."
* Georik is unused to the shaking hands gesture outside of a duel, so don't worry about it.
* Shel_Carter snerks into her beer suddenly. "Junior? Oh, God, my nephew's named Junior. The nephew who's legally my son, mind you."
I'm ususally not so...
* Grif chuckles. "Sometimes I wonder how Church ever put up with you *or* Caboose."
You got a kid? How's that work out?
* Jess_Byrd SITS! She is in ur space Rass.
* Tucker replies to Grif, "As I recall, he died a hole bunch."
Yeah, Georik, you've been hitting the bottle hard tonight, haven't you?
"Oh, right."
Between the chess game, and his insulting opening, and well... that usurer.
* Apollo blinks. "Usurer?"
* Rassilon has a Jess in his space. He will not smile. Will not. WILL NOT. He is meh, I tell you. MEH.*
*Junior is somewhere around, almost underfoot. So many ppl... :} *
My father was careless with his loans.
"Naw, I've got a nephew. In another universe. Still dead in his universe. But I'm listed as the mother on the birth certificate because having two dads is, well." Shel shrugs.
* Georik continues to flick his hair.
Oh no, don't tell me you're dealing with debt now.
* Jess_Byrd BEAMS at Rass. Come on. Smile.
I had been dealing with it since I was seventeen.
Oh Jesus.
* Bastet slips out, bleh. Mun's lost it for the night, looks like. :/ At least for Bast.
I'd help, but I don't think my currency would really work well anyway...
* Bastet is now known as MattTwo
Should have it off within the year's end. If Sandwich doesn't decide to raise interest.
That's great!
* Apollo rubs at his hair. "I hope you get it taken care of."
So when are you going to break things open on Bruno?
Bruno told me they were to announcement the Engagement publicly, I will do it then.
... B| ... :| ... ._. ... ... :)?
* Tucker listens with interest, or pretension thereof. "What the whole civil union issue thing?"
Wow, dramatic.
Not only will everyone know, I can wipe that smug smirk off his face.
* Rassilon finally smiles a small smile. Curse you, Jess. You broke a perfectly good meh. >.>*
...just be careful about that. Sometimes they replace the smirk with fangs.
* Phoenix_Wright looks at his wrist.
* Jess_Byrd grins and HUGS the heck out of Rass. :D And well, she send a few happy thought his way.
"No, no, no, he's genetically the son of two men. Magic and botched ressurrection rituals were involved." Shel waves her arm around vaguely like that will make it make perfect sense.
* Apollo looks at Phoenix's wrist, too, having never gotten over the guilty feeling he has.
* Georik looks down. "Let me see over that injury when I'm at the clinics." He taps the bottle.
(( And people look at /me/ funny for the whole 'two moms' thing. At least it isn't brain breaker. ))
* Phoenix_Wright shakes his head. "They said it'll heal in a few weeks."
Huh. Sounds like a vaguely familiar sitcom premise.
Sorry, just I cannot trust another doctor's work.
* Rassilon is hugged. Snuggles. He could use a snuggle right now.*
Eh heh heh... [Boy, that must make you fun in the coffee room.]
* Apollo would snuggle Rassilon, but...
"I'm just glad there wasn't an actual pregnancy involved and that it wasn't on purpose, really."
*then again the only other doctor Georik worked with recently is Bruno*
It's that... same reason why doctors are horrid patients.
* Rassilon is an equal opportunity snuggler. But has already been down this street of awkwardness so many times that you're safe, Apollo.*
Ah hah.
* Jess_Byrd shall keep it up. Mun needs a moment to FUME at the interweb.
* Tucker nods. "That happens a lot. I know I didn't plan on Junior."
* Shel_Carter eyes Junior again. "Didn't think you had, really."
Um, something wrong, Apollo?
How often has he been here?
* Apollo blinks, his cheeks a little red. "N-No, sir...? Just a little tired."
Uh... he comes in sometimes. Mostly gravitates around my alternate.
[And also... but that's over with.]
Yeah, juggling parenthood and career isn't the ideal choice. Especially when you're single.
* Apollo looks down at his hands. "And Kristoph, when he was here.." He looks ashamed at that, but sees no reason to hide it.
"Not that there's really a whole lot of career to worry about in Blood Gulch, most of the time."
The past is the past, dwelling does nothing good.
* Phoenix_Wright 's expression darkens a bit.
* Apollo nods understandingly at Georik.
* Apollo rubs at his forehead, feeling a little warm. "Is it warmer in here than normal...?"
* Georik looks away. "Not that I am aware of."
"Yeah, Mom was a single parent," Shel mutters, more to herself than to Tucker.
* Apollo nods slightly, letting out a sigh. "Hm."
* Phoenix_Wright rubs the back of his neck. AWK-ward. "You know I don't hold anything against you, right?"
Standing around, doing nothing, arguing with your teammates and yelling at a bunch of other guys? That's a lot of hard work there!
* Rassilon looks at Apollo. Poor kid.
* Georik would probably suggest a drink, but... he's at least sober enough to know Phoenix would OBJECT
* Apollo looks up at Phoenix, his eyes wide. He then looks away, shaking his head. "I don't understand why, Mr. Wright. I defended him when you tried to tell me the truth."
*Junior looks at Apollo, wanting to feel like contributing.
"Not to mention watching us through the sniper rifle."
"Absolutely excruciating, I'm sure." Oooo, see that sarcasm drip. Drip, sarcasm, drip.
* Grif pauses a moment, then adds, "Oh, wait, Church was always the one with the sniper rifle, wasn't he?"
Sure, for those of us whover got to /use/ the sniper rifle...
* Phoenix_Wright looks away a bit, then chuckles.
* Georik watches Phoenix.
You know, though, that's a good mentality for a defense attorney, anyway.
* Apollo glances between the two, looking confused and still ashamed.
* Georik gets a couple glasses out, but still drinking from the bottle.
Someone's gotta hold out with somebody until all the evidence reveals the truth. Sometimes, this means standing up for people who are guilty.
0404,00! But from the way I've heard it, you've never lost a case, sir!
* Jess_Byrd loosens her hold on Rass a bit. Mun is calmer.
That's... not actually true, Apollo.
I lost one. But it was a good loss.
* Rassilon leans on her and watches Apollo and Phoenix.*
0404,00... You.. did?
* Tucker has reached the end of his bottle and leans over the bar to dig around for something else.
* Apollo is his world SHATTERED????? Well, no.
* Georik tries not to laugh at Apollo's shocked expression, it's just so... funny.
* Phoenix_Wright nods. "That case helped me understand the way our courts work a little better. They're still flawed, but with the right prosecution and the right defense..."
* Apollo thinks on that for a moment, fingertip to his forehead.
* Jess_Byrd is glad that this is happening. She can have time to well, think. She's thinking good thoughts though.
* Grif has, as it happens, also finished his bottle, and stands up to toss his empty. "Anyway, I should get going. Take it easy, folks."
* Rassilon is a warm snuggly thing.*
*Idly waves to Grif*
* Phoenix_Wright rubs the back of his neck sheepishly. [Geez, what has my alternate been telling this kid about me...]
* Grif puts on his helmet, waves, and teleports out.
TO BE CONTINUED! (cos this shit is long)