Gosh I hate when animal stories make me cry...

May 28, 2006 00:26

A Little Requiem for A Little Cat

I adopted a little 7 month old grey Siamese mix kitten from Hopalong Rescue last June. He had been previously adopted but returned because the first owner's landlord did not allow pets. I named him Tao. He blended in seamlessly with my other 3 cats. He was just learning how to be comfortable in the house, jumping on counters (which I think he'd been beaten by his prior owner for doing that), challenging Martin, the boss cat, running Weery (the 3 year old gold tubloons Flame Point Siamese mix)through the house and boxing gently with Gaziel, the older, curmudgeonly Flame Point cat. He was regular cat sized, but with a small Siamese head and profile and very slender, delicate pads and legs. Sometimes I'd wake up from sleep, thinking a hand was gently petting my foot only to find that Tao was stroking my sole with his tiny, soft pads. Taoie was also learning how to really play with the leopard snake that I'd dangle for the guys to jump at and was acquiring a taste for catnip. He'd staked out a place on the bed that he called his own at night, and when I slept, he didn't just cuddle, he clung like a limpet. We played last night and had a lot of fun. When I woke up this morning, Tao was limp and gasping for air. I touched him and he started to moan and scream. I rushed him to the vet down the block to find that he was dying from a congenitally enlarged heart. So, employed or jobless, look at the clouds, feel the breeze, enjoy a meal, hug your cat or dog, be kind to your partner and kinder to yourself. Death hides in the shadow of every moment. Rest in peace, little Tao. Other ways to contact poster: Be in the moment
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