(no subject)

Jun 02, 2008 10:48

Hola and Guten tag.

I know that for awhile now I've been like this:

Angstbucketus Failbaitus (Also known as ABFB Syndrome)

Some signs of an angstbucketus failbaitus include:

- they do not win at life
- unnatural colorless flesh
- a persistant :( face
- the needing of a hug
- they play Linkin Park excessively while hiding in a dark, concealed place
- whining <---- this is a very serious stage of the cycle and should be halted immediately
EDIT: - frequent heavy sighs (and then immediate denial of anything being wrong)

If you or someone you know has ABFB or may become afflicted, please call 1-800-CHEERUPEMOKID for professional help.

Pink border + heart = do nothing, btw.


No, you don't get a cut for that one. My face in it is too fabulous to hide behind one of those unholy things, and should grace your f-list until this entry is saged buried. Really. Look at it. Awesome multiplied by rad to the power of super fly, am I right?

Also. I have on repeat am listening to a song called Burn My Bread.

But it's not about toast.


yuka-tan should make me toast, bawwwww, my face it is pretty, fandom post, do it do it do it now, shinji gets a tag, strega sucks, sees, not stupei, strega fails, senpai will crush you, toast do you have it, die in a fire jesusman, chidori chidori chidori, buuuuurn, natsuuuuu, fandomtastic, idk my bff aki

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