
Jul 16, 2009 19:42

What a nightmare.

The masquerade wasn't... awful. At first, anyway.

And I'm just glad that I didn't get stuck in one of those god awful dresses I've seen a few people it. Ugh. That would be like pouring salt on an open wound.

Private - somewhat hackable

The masquerade made me question myself. Once more, I'm left wondering if I'm really who I think I am, if I'm really the same Shadow that was created on the ARK fifty years ago.

Or am I just a fake. A clone. A second rate being. Are my memories really real? Did I really do everything I think I did?

I just...

Seeing that other.. me, I just don't know anymore.

God damn it. I didn't want to do this again. And this time, no one is here to help me figure it out.

emo!shadow is emo

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