[Lock from Samson]
Disregarding my initial urges to “celebrate” a holiday based from something completely religiously dried up, I decided to take it easy for the remainder of my St. Patrick’s day evening. Meaning some good old “me time”. Or I was hoping to do so, at least.
Now, I’m not really one for aimless drinking [or so I am willing to admit],
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[Lock to Dr. Venture]
Und to put it in ein way that I hope ein "man of simplicity" can comprehend: yes, you should.
I am sure you know that loyalty to ein authority figure ist not automatic, even if he ist ein man highly deserving of respect. When you put someone in ein position such as bodyguard, you give him leverage over you. The only thing that will negate this leverage ist for ein deep devotion to be forged. Und the only way this can happen ist for him to make the decision to do so. Thus, you must give him good reason.
[Lock to The Major]
Feign pleasantries? It’s not really my specialty, if you, well... Know me. I’m not really the type of guy to “set things free” and longingly wait for them to “magically appear before me” due to some genuine patience and veneration. What I want I tend to... Get instantly or abandon, for the most part. I’m not very tolerant when it comes to little waiting games.
Though I’m not completely sure I have a choice as it is...
Maybe you’re right.
For once.
It need not be feigned. You certainly seemed distraught to see the man leave. It seems to me that there is something genuine there.
And as for patience, mein Herr, I shall not say that it ist ein virtue, but it is certainly ein useful thing to have.
My emotional impudence and selfish anger seem genuine to you? I'm not sure whether to feel flattered or dismayed. Or in awe at your... Vague understanding.
It's been awhile since anyone's understood me.
Well, aside from Dr. Killinger--... Wasn't he also German?
Of course! I believe that these are some of the most human traits of all. Und it ist certainly evidence that you have ein attachment to the man.
I do not recognize the name, but I would say that we Germans can indeed be quite perceptive.
I'm not completely sure I'm willing to admit an "attachment" to anyone, really. Especially Brock.
Not even your sons?
Fatherhood is a rather accidental and painstaking process. Emphasis on accidental.
Though I'm not willing to say I LOVE them, I don't necessarily think "attached" is the right word for my relationship with the boys.
Oh my, how unfortunate for you. But at least you have tried to raise them.
I am curious - what word would you use?
I'm still tinkering with that myself.
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