May 26, 2005 19:42
hey gorgeous whats up? nuttin much here just chyllen. well today i went to BK with linda again .. chylled with linda, jessika, marquise, logan, adam, chris and more people. then at like 9:30 i walked back to school with marquise, logan and her friend cuz me and marquise had to do exams. after my exam i chylled with alyssa, shelley, chelsey and beau. wade and his friends were like are those the girls u gang banged and everything tryna embarress him and shit .. i was like umm whatever! then went to 4th period had my algebra exam which was easy .. talked to brad through notes "im not blonde .. your blonde" hahah. chylled with darlene and janelle too. then went to 5th period and took my exam which was kinda easy. fell asleep after the exam then woke up and chylled with kristi and darlene. aww kristi's shirt was sooo cute. that was soo funny when she was climbing on the cart .. hahah. darlene remember what she did with her boobs .. hahahah! then chylled with ashley, sarah, alyssa, shelley, taylor, danielle, marlette, marquise, stephanie, heather and others after school and i took some pictures. aww im gonna miss ashley and alyssa over the summer. im gonna miss shelley when she moves .. :'( ! then darlene came home with me and we started walking home (( in the pooring rain and i had my white VERY SEE-THREW shirt on )) then peter and steven gave us a ride home on stevens 4 wheeler. that was funn except tim's grandpa saw me in my shirt .. seriously it was like why even where a shirt. LOL. soo we all chylled at my house that was funn. then darlene left at 7:30 .. aww im gonna miss her .. but we're gonna chyll over the summer when i get back. tomorrow im going to daytona beach .. im soo excited .. we are leaving around noon. i wish i could take darlene with me but i cant cuz jeff is bring phil. well i gtg okk XoXoXoX .. if u wanna talk call me (( you know the digits ))
<3 juliana rachel*
p.s i love TiM K., darlene, ashley, sarah, alyssa, shelley, melissa, stephanie, heather, marquise .. morez!