
Sep 21, 2006 20:00

Falling into fall. another season. My favorite season, Crisp and cool, sharp. we all prepare for the coming of the cold and the sleep of winter. this is truely a hunter's season, with out heat to weary us and with the motivation of winters heavy hand spurring us.

I am working again, though not how I thought I would be. Shrug. I don't mind. I am a Serpent in a pool of sharks. It's an interesting place, where calousness and happyness co-exist. though I think that may be more of My take than that of those around me. This work comes with the help of an old friend. much thanks there.

This work is a balm on many problems, and will be of much use in coming months. I am here picking thorns out of my side one by one, wondering at how long i have let them lie there. Still, is good to have them out. Lets see how many there are that can be pulled..............

old friends are a theme at the opening of this season, with the return of another old friend on the horizon. it will be interesting, now thrice burned, he has begun to fear the women. I think. Perhaps i hope, given that he likes to repeat his lessons, I think a rest from the fires-that-teach will do him well. And besides, we all what pains the other half brings. (or the same half if you swing that way) good too.

But I have often said there is good and bad in all things. People only serve to prove this rule correct.

perspective and use determine the balance twixt the two.

Heh, now i suppose He'll take those lines from the ol' book to heart. I am smiling at that thought. phils says I mihgt be a prophet, but of what?
thats for y'all to tell mine after I am long Past.

Well, I'll just crack me neck and get to running. It;s a season for remembering life. Not waiting for death. She'll bring winter soon enough.
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