Feb 15, 2005 15:56
lol. i havent deleted it yet.
im scared to.
haha. idk.. i want to delete this shit so bad..somethings not letting me!
so i have like strep.. and i stayed home today..and i was so damn bored.
but i packed.
yah.. i going to dc on thursday..where its gonna snow. and i have strep.
isnt that awesome????
so i got a call on my phone, at 12:01 on valentimes day..
i dont know who it was. they blocked there number.
i swear to god if it was john henney i will rip his penis off myself.
mother thinks it was someone else ;)
i figure it was john.. and hes a faggit.
yes, you john. i hate you.
so im listening to jimi hendrix right now..yah definitely amazing.
and i feel like im about to faint.
last night i coughed up a donkey. while i was talking to shannon.
well i dont think he wanted to.
but i made him a heart and we traded.
im sorry if u didnt wanna give me ur heart andy.
i luv you lol.
im so comin to watch smackdown with you.
the back of my throat is WHITE.
isnt that so rad?
jenn is the coolest.
the end.