To-do-list feature

Nov 22, 2012 18:55

As promised, this place will soon be more like - updates 1-2x per week about the road to politics for someone alternative (student-view on bullying + youth poverty, friendly to pro-Ana/Ednos, self harm, different lifestyles, gothic etc.; life-affirming/not against 'capitalism' or 'the system') who have very few chances if any in political parties, and may try to gain standing outside of them, ~experiment.

In order not to overload the entries with plans and "what's going on", as from now I'll update such in the list.

This week I had to delay promotion (i.e. talks in person/regional politics, interest groups), because I've still got a few spots of eczema in my face, which happens once in a while. You then take some more time off to fully heal up. The migration of old material into the blog will profit from this; I hope to finish that till Monday, want to try LJBook then and offer everything as 1 PDF.


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