Weekenders Ficlet

May 12, 2011 20:47

Hey, Carrie!

So I got around to posting this for you, finally. Sorry it's kind of sucky...

Title: The Origins of The Chug-A-Freeze
Fandom: The Weekenders
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Word Count: 475

"Hmmm guurrrbll guuuh wuuummmrrr," Carver declares, pumping a fist in the air in symbol of his victory, a few stray projectile olives fly across the table with each garbled, jubilant word.

"Yes, Carver," says Tish judicially, spearing the remaining olives on a toothpick. "You're the winner."

"So now we know who can fit the most olives in their mouth," says Tino.

"Me!" says Carver proudly. "It's me!"

"So what next?" asks Tino. It's the middle of summer vacation, the initial excitement at being out of school has mellowed out and it will be weeks before the urgency to cram as much into a day as possible before the start of term hits them. This quickly devolved into a series of random competitions, most recently: who can burp the loudest; who can hold their breath the longest; and who can run the fastest, which is how they found themselves at the food court in Bahia Bay Mall, outside The Olive Pit determining that, of the four of them, Carver can fit the most olives in his mouth.

"Hey, what's that?" says Lor, squinting her eyes to make out the sign at the opposite end of the food court.

"Chug-A-Freeze?" says Tish, curiously. "That wasn't here last week."

"Yeah, well, Pizza Ninja wasn't here yesterday," Carver points out.

"That place is different every week now," says Tish glumly. "I miss D'Antonio's."

"I miss Pizzasaurus," says Tino.

"I'm going to find out what Chug-A-Freeze is," says Lor. Her chair scrapes across the floor with a grating sound and she's past the fountain before the others are even out of their seats. Lor is waiting with four giant cups loudly proclaiming "CHUG-A-FREEZE" across the sides when they catch up.

"What is it?" asks Tish, curiously swirling her straw through the icy substance.

"I don't know," says Lor, "but I bet I can drink it faster than you guys."

"You're on," says Tino.

Two mouthfuls in, Tino is pinching the bridge of his nose making a noise that sounds like a high pitched buzzing hnnnnnng.

"Brain-freeze," he elaborates to a concerned looking Tish who was not sculling her drink like the others, preferring to use the straw and drink at a reasonable pace.

"Press your tongue to the roof of your mouth," advises Tish. "That should cure it."

Gulping the last of her Chug-A-Freeze, Lor slams the empty cup down on the table top, looking triumphant.

"And we have a winner!" cries Tino in his best Game Show Host imitation, ignoring the remnants of his brain freeze. Lor raises her fists in triumph as Tino mimics the sound of a roaring crowd.

"Wanna hit the boardwalk?" asks Carver, polishing off his own drink and wiping his mouth against the back of his arm.

"Sure," says Lor.

"Sounds good to me," agrees Tish.

"Okay," says Tino, and wander towards the exit

weekenders, fic, omg so bad, writing, disney, emma is lame

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