First I just wanted to say thanks to
egomania for the headphones! you are awesome - thank you!
dist_reflection finally got to open her birthday present this morning! I am the awesomest gift giver to ever give gifts. True Fact.
I am mostly ready to go. This is probably not good enough at all seeing as how I have to be out of here not long after 6 tomorrow morning. I am fairly excited about this trip. I am sure that America and Vancouver will be lovely and OMG I AM SO TOTALLY GOING TO DISNEYLAND!!! DISNEYLAND, YOU GUYS!!!!! The words! I don't even have them!
I finished that fic I spent over a year writing. It didn't take me a year because it's epic or because I meticulously checked it over to perfect it, but rather because I kept getting all self-conscious and would go months between writing paragraphs. So. I don't know. I hope it doesn't suck too much. I really just wanted to get it done before I left. I feel a little bit accomplished because of it.
I really should actually finish packing. And maybe double check that I have everything...
I'll be keeping a travel blog if anyone is interested, but it will be over on tumblr:
Right here