Dec 21, 2008 04:16
it makes me feel really weird when i see facebook groups dedicated to people who have died. it makes me feel even weirder when i suddenly have a compulsion to join. is it really going to show you loved them or are grieving if you join? is it callous not to? why is this even an issue at all??
my dad is all sorts of fucked up. annoying how my parents are worried about me they should really focus on how they're feeling. i mean yea i can't wrap my head around the fact that jean and jim were shot. i can't figure out how that guy and his mom, stand up grade A people were murdered yet really shitty people are still walking around enjoying the days ahead of them. but i've felt this anger before, i've felt this confusion already so why even bother going down that path again? i'll just end up tired and no closer to an answer.
i guess this is my yearly "someone died wake up to what's around you" moment.
be good to one another.